New small craft channel for Cowes
by Cowes Harbour Commission 23 Mar 2012 14:09 GMT
Cowes Harbour Commission is establishing a new small craft channel into Cowes Harbour, making access for leisure boats simpler, easier and safer. The channel will be in place by March 31st.
The new buoyed channel, just 200 meters long, cuts through the main harbour moorings and runs directly into the fairway. The channel follows a line from the end of the Shrape breakwater to the main fairway opposite the short stay visitor pontoons at Town Quay.
Deputy Harbour Master Rod Hodgson said, “It is hoped the new channel will reduce congestion at the fairway entrance and enable suitable craft to avoid the strong tidal flows in the vicinity. In addition it will remove the temptation for vessels to take a short cut through the small craft moorings where damage to boats and buoys has been a problem in the past.”
For any further information, please see the Local Notices to Mariners on the Cowes Harbour Commission website.