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Allen 20mm Back To Back Block - A2028
Allen 20mm Back To Back Block - A2028

3000 National Championship at Grafham Water Sailing Club

by Tony Hunt 13 Jun 2012 21:21 BST 26-27 May 2012

The 2012 national championships were held once again at Grafham Water SC, as part of the Laser Multi-Class Regatta. The fleet of nine boats enjoyed Meditteranean 26 degree temperatures, warm water and good winds of F.3-5 on the Saturday, with somewhat less wind on the Sunday.

One team set their stamp on the event from the outset, as Peter Heyes and Amy Adams won all six races, and therefore became worthy National Champions. Having won the first few races by quite a large margin, those in Sunday's lighter winds were a bit closer, and the last one went to the wire, with Heyes and Adams only getting ahead on the last lap.

David Fenech and Alison Williams were championship runners up, with not far behind them Nick Arran and Myles Ripley (Nick sailed the first two races singlehanded and came third across the line in each race but had to accept DSQ results as the class rules specify two crew members art class events).

First Laser 3000 was Chris and Kathy Williams who claimed the appropriate trophy with some very fine racing - beating all the Vs to the first mark in at least one race. Winners of the under 18s trophy were Katherine Fleck and Chay Richards from Sedburgh School, their first time at the Nationals.

Vandercraft kindly presented keepsake prizes to accompany the trophies, so that Peter and Amy won a new main and jib sheets, Chris and Kathy won a pair of road trailer wheels, and Katherine and Chay won a pair of trolley wheels for Sedbergh School.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1st3602Peter HeyesAmy AdamsWilsonian SC-1111115
2nd3605David FenechAlison WilliamsWilsonian SC22-322311
3rd3604Nick ArranMyles RipleyCarsington SC(DSQ)DSQ233220
4th3252Katherine FleckChay RichardsSedbergh School(DNF)3645725
5th3028Allen BradleyAdam CarnPennine(DNC)5754425
6th3079Chris WilliamsKathy WilliamsSouth Cerney SC3(DNC)587528
7th3183Claudia PapadimitriouChristopher MitchellChelmarsh SC(DNC)4479832
8th3504Jayne LambertCatherine EvansWilsonian SC(DNC)6868634
9th3253Andrea BarontiNick GiraudSedbergh School(DNC)DNFDNCDNC6DNC46

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