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Bristol Avon Sailing Club celebrates 50 years on the water

by Laura Sambrook 6 Apr 2005 11:43 BST 7-8 May 2005

Bristol Avon Sailing Club will be celebrating its golden jubilee on the weekend of 7/8 May, 2005.

Current members, past members and some special guests have all been invited along to share the celebrations and feast on hog roast and cream teas.

The club will be hosting the Alkmaar shanty choir from Holland, who will be providing the entertainment on Saturday night, and there will be activities taking place throughout the weekend.

There will also be some seriously competitive racing, with several races taking place, building up to the finale of the kids challenging the adults to a race on Sunday afternoon. So there will be plenty of trophies up for grabs.

Bristol and Avon Sailing Club was set up in 1955 by a group of dinghy sailing enthusiasts. The club plays an important part in the life of the village of Saltford, where it is situated, and its links have also extended abroad. The club has a strong relationship with the ARZV (Alkmaar) Sailing club in Holland. The two clubs visit each other regularly to race, swap tall tales of epic victories, and the shanty choir will also be entertaining at BASC on Saturday night.

Enquiries should be addressed to Sue Fry, Commodore, on 01761 241168.

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