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Weymouth & Portland Sailing Academy wins 2016 Vintage Yachting Games

by Cailah Leask 12 Dec 2012 09:52 GMT
The Europe dinghy will again race at the WPNSA in the 2016 Vintage Yachting Games © Vintage Yachting Games 2012

The Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA) has won a competitive bid to host the '2016 Vintage Yachting Games'. Pitted against international sporting locations across Germany, Romania and Sweden, the Academy also home to the 2012 Olympic sailing events, demonstrated that the venue can comfortably host the predicted 650 competitors for the 3rd edition of this event known as 'the international post-Olympic yachting event for former Olympic classes'.

Held every four years, the Vintage Yachting Games will head to Weymouth and Portland during the summer of 2016 when 300 boats will race as 10 – 14 different classes attracting traditional models and current crews. Yachting was included in the Olympic Games as early as 1896 and has generated over 46 different classes through the years making for a real spectacle.

Rudy den Outer, Chairman, Vintage Yachting Games:
"Since sailing is paramount for the event, The Vintage Yachting Classes chose the WPNSA as the final due to excellent predicted sailing conditions during the summer and the experienced experts of the race committee. The logistics of the location can also easily cater for the small Europe dinghy as well as for the large and heavy 5.5 Metre keelboat. Weymouth and Portland are additionally excellent for lodging sailors of all ages and across different cost brackets. The Vintage Yachting Classes are very much looking forward to celebrating over 90 years of Olympic sailing experience at the same location of the latest Olympic sailing event".

The WPNSA accepted the Vintage Yachting Games flag this year as part of the formal handover ceremony and the venue is now looking forward to the racing during 2016.

John Tweed, Chief Executive of the WPNSA, is pleased to have won the bid:
"The Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy is such a fitting venue to host the Vintage Yachting Games having previously been home to the 2012 Olympic racing. We are delighted that 2016 will bring some of the older Olympic class models back to life on the waters of Weymouth and Portland and of course provide a wonderful view back through time for past and current sailing enthusiasts".

The Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy is now continuing bids to host international sporting events well into the future.