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First meeting date and place set for Chipping Norton Yacht Club

by Trevor Taylor 8 Jan 2013 06:45 GMT 30 January 2013

The newly-formed Chipping Norton Yacht Club will meet for the first time on Wednesday January 30th. at the town's golf club.

Acting club Commodore, Trevor Taylor, says "We have been delighted with the response. Thanks to the publicity from local media we have had an overwhelming number of enquiries which just goes to show that although we are more than one hundred miles inland there are many people locally with a keen interest in boats and the sea."

People who join the club by the inaugural meeting will benefit from a special 'founder member' discount. Annual membership fee for those joining before the inaugural meeting will be £30 for individuals and £50 for a couple... considerably less than fees charged by many other yacht clubs.

"The club welcomes everyone interested in boats and the sea, power as well as sail, and not just those who own a boat. We aim to make the club an essential port of call for everyone in the Cotswolds with an interest in boating." says Taylor.

The first meeting starts at 7.00pm for 7.30pm, on January 30th. and a special inaugural dinner will follow a short welcome and introduction. The club will meet at the Chipping Norton Golf Club, London Road, Chipping Norton on Wednesdays at the end of each month. "We are delighted to accept the golf club's invitation to hold meetings in their spacious and modern club house. It is the perfect location; a large car park, easy access, a well stocked bar and first class dining from chef Paul Hirons." says Trevor Taylor.

Anyone interested in joining Britain's newest yacht club should contact the club for full details or email