Vlad Murnikov of SpeedDream on TEDx
by SpeedDream 21 Feb 2013 05:59 GMT
21 February 2013
Vlad Murnikov on TEDx © SpeedDream
TEDx (Ideas Worth Spreading) is a global on-line conference dedicated to spreading out the most innovative and exciting ideas and concepts in design, technology and entertainment. We were thrilled last year when they approached SpeedDream, specifically Vlad Murnikov the creative force behind the project, to give a presentation. Despite a high fever that day Vlad gave a memorable talk about his unique (and extremely humorous) road from yacht designer behind the Iron Curtain to designing the first, and by happenstance, last Soviet Union entry in the Whitbread Round the World Race.
"I'm not new to controversy and doing impossible things," Vlad told a packed audience as he described building his first boat in his Moscow apartment. "The problem was the boat was a 25-footer and my room was only 20-feet long." After a pause he added, "and on the second floor."
It's not often that sailing is featured in the main stream and TEDx is right now on the cutting edge. We are happy that SpeedDream is bringing sailing to a wider audience and ask that you please do what you can to share this video around.
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