Mirror class celebrate 50 years at the RYA Dinghy Show 2013
by Rob Bellfield 28 Feb 2013 05:46 GMT
Stand D14, 2-3 March 2013
50 years of the Mirror class will be celebrated at the RYA Dinghy Show © Juliet Dearlove
More boats built than any other double-handed dinghy in UK, used to introduce thousands to the sport of sailing, still modern and fun to sail - and 50 years old this year - where do you celebrate? Answer: at the RYA Dinghy Show.
The RYA Youth Sailing stand, the Class Association stand and the West Corridor, lots of Mirrors of all shapes and sizes. Andy Rice's article in the Yachts & Yachting RYA Dinghy Show preview supplement summed up the Mirror Dinghy perfectly and David Henshall will be presenting '50 years of the Mirror' at 1300 on Saturday at the show.
For those who learnt to sail with a DIY boat from a kit built in the dining room you might walk down memory lane watching Tim Harper from Harper Boats building a new boat at the show. The display of Mirrors of all ages in the West Corridor will present the broad range of boats in the class, from the latest Winder foam sandwich squad boat, to the early boats in the class and the sub-£500 boat that helped set up a new class at Warsash SC.
Come and see us at the various Mirror stands; chat about the Mirror, recount you experiences and most importantly look to the future. If your club is overrun with single-handed boats and you are looking for a double-handed boat that is light, responsive, suitable for parent/child, multi-purpose, has an established racing scene, a great training programme that continues to produce Olympians - the Mirror might be for you.
If you see a red Mirror sail - come and see us.