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Worthing's young sailors get first look at new clubhouse

by Jackie Brown 7 Aug 2013 15:54 BST 5 August 2013
Artist's impression of the new Sailing Club HQ at Worthing © Worthing Sailing Club

Young sailors from Worthing Sailing Club got their first look at their new clubhouse when Kier Homes gave an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the new facility, which is due to open next spring.

On Monday 5th August, Cllr Robert Smytherman, Mayor of Worthing, joined Nigel Jupp, commodore of Worthing Sailing Club, and young sailors to tour the new building in Sea Place, Goring-by-Sea - led by Nick Moore, Kier Homes' deputy managing director.

The Mayor said: "I'm delighted to see the new sailing club taking shape – it has always been an important part of the community and this will be a great new facility that will serve the expanding club well into the future. A big thank you to Kier Homes for providing such a high quality new facility."

Kier Homes is building the new clubhouse, which is due to open in spring 2014, in a new location within the existing boat compound. It will replace the existing 1970s building which is located further afield on land acquired by Kier Homes from Worthing Borough Council for the development of new beach-front homes at The Waterfront at Sea Place.

Nick Moore said: "It's a great pleasure to provide Worthing Sailing Club with new, purpose-built accommodation and I wish the club every success in their new HQ. This is an idyllic setting for sailing and watersports and it will be wonderful for future residents of The Waterfront tohave this first-class facility on their doorstep – whether they wish to get involved in the club or simply enjoy watching the sporting activity."

The new clubhouse has been designed by Kier Homes to echo the modern coastal style of The Waterfront. It features windows to the east and west side of the second floor to give expansive views out to sea and along the coast. There is a stylish new bar and entertaining area, with balconies, and boats can be securely stored beneath the building.

Commodore Nigel Jupp, said: "This new building is great news for our sailing club and we look forward to its completion. The new location will improve safety, communication and security and eliminate the hauling of equipment between sites on a daily basis – meaning more time on the water for all.

"During the build, Kier has enabled a full sailing and social calendar to continue without hindrance by relocating access gates, and being sympathetic and cooperative towards all our needs. An excellent company to work with, fulfilling their promises accurately and on time."

Jessica, aged 11 and a member of the Bug Club joined the tour and said: "We are all extremely excited about the move to the new clubhouse. It is closer to our launch area, and also closer to the boat yard so we will be able to play whilst our parents can see what we are up to from the new balcony."

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