PYRA Poole to Yarmouth to Poole races
by Mike Fox 23 Aug 2013 15:50 BST
17-18 August 2013
Poole Yacht Racing Association enjoyed races to and from Yarmouth over the 17th and 18th August to complete one of the Association's two first passage series.
PYRA Poole to Yarmouth race (17th August)
From the start a beat to East Hook off Poole then took the PYRA fleet straight to the finish line at Yarmouth.
With force 5 to 6 conditions, those brave enough, and those with a strong crew, hoisted kites, some lifts went smoothly but not all! Some went up and then disappeared over the horizon. Some went up but soon came down. Some were connected up but never hoisted.
Some went in shore and North Head to avoid foul tide while others sailed rhumb line in increasing wind.
Class Winners:
Class 1 – Pistraus
Class 2 – Addict
Class 4 – Soulmate
PYRA Yarmouth to Poole race (18th August)
Solent breezes of force 3 to 4 welcomed the PYRA fleet and, once out into Christchurch Bay, force 4 to 5. The wind was South West, so a true beat all the way to Poole.
Deity provided a gate start from Black Rock in an already quite strong ebb tide!
At Northwest Shingles buoy a decision needed to be made - do we go up the Needles Channel or across the bank between Northwest Shingles and North Head? Most were choosing to cross the bank, however one or two boats chose the Needles Channel, which paid handsomely although lumpy towards the Bridge and that area generally.
Class Winners:
Class 1 – Amethyst
Class 2 – Kudos
Class 4 – Soulmate