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Audi Melges 20 World Championship at Key Largo, Florida - Overall

by Joy Dunigan 15 Dec 2013 16:56 GMT 11-14 December 2013

John Taylor's Ninkasi crowned champions, Eagan takes home Corinthian World Champion honours

Congratulations to 2013 Audi Melges 20 World Champions John Taylor, owner of Ninkasi, tactician Bill Hardesty and Joey Mello on bow. After ten races, against 52 of the world's greatest Audi Melges 20 teams, Taylor cashed in big at the finish line on Saturday to win the Class' first World title.

Taylor has never won an Audi Melges 20 regatta, nor any other regatta for that fact. "I guess if I'm going to win one, this was the one to win." said an elated and very happy Taylor at the daily awards. "I am honored to be in the presence of so many great owners and fellow sailboat racers. This is by far the best class, with the best owners in the world."

Finishing second overall, 2013 Audi Melges 20 Corinthian World Champion Marcus Eagan on Cajun Underwriting along with his dad Marc and brother Andrew swept the awards. They are the only team to place in the overalls as well as the Corinthian Division.

Falling further from grace, was third place finisher Travis Weisleder on Lucky Dog/Gill Race Team. It was do or die on the final day of racing as he stood only a few points out of first place. A second place finish in Race Nine gave way to a glimmer of hope, but an OCS in Race 10 left little that he could win the event.

Alessandro Rombelli's STIG claimed fourth, while fleet first-timer Jason Michas on Midnight Blue took fifth.

To close out the event, a huge dinner gala was held at Ocean Reef's Town Hall to celebrate the championship. Congratulations were given to all winners including Top Master, which went to John Kilroy aboard Samba Pa Ti and best boat with female crew was collected by Leo van denThillart's Team True Racing.

Corinthian Heat

To know one's shock and surprise, the Eagans claimed first, followed by John Brown on Blind Squirrel in second and Olli Luebker on Miss Betty in third. Paul Currie's Wild Deuces came fourth, Frank McLaughlin's CAN-254 was fifth, and Bo Boje Pedersen on UpUpUp finished out the division in sixth.

Special Thanks

There are too many names to mention but in particular the Audi Melges 20 Class is appreciative of the support from Ocean Reef Club, Coconut Grove Sailing Club, Card Sound Sailing Club, Melges USA and countless individuals that without their hardwork and perserverence, this event would not have been possible. A very special thanks to Event Chair Hank Stuart, and most especially PRO Bruce Golison and team.

Overall Results: (top ten, 10 races, 1 discard)

1.) John Taylor/Bill Hardesty, Ninkasi; 1-11-[31]-4-14-1-5-1-1-10 = 48pts
2.) Marcus Eagan/Marc Eagan, Cajun Underwriting; 6-[27]-13-2-7-5-11-3-4-5 = 56pts
3.) Travis Weisleder/Scott Nixon, Lucky Dog/Gill Race Team; 2-9-4-5-1-12-13-21-2-[38/ZFP] = 68pts
4.) Alessandro Rombelli/Paul Goodison, STIG; [29]-4-6-3-20-3-6-6-25-9 = 76pts
5.) Jason Michas/Mark Mendelblatt, Midnight Blue; 4-1-[20]-13-13-11-4-8-17-8 = 79pts
6.) Richard Davies/Charlie McKee, Section 16; 20-15-2-17-8-9-1-5-7-[53/DNF] = 84pts
7.) Jeff Ecklund/John Kostecki, STAR; 17-7-[27]-7-3-26-3-4-5-12 = 84pts
8.) John Kilroy/Jeremy Wilmot, Samba Pa Ti; 9-2-[32]-1-27-13-10-12-6-14 = 94pts
9.) Jim Richardson/Terry Hutchinson, Barking Mad, 15-5-19-9-5-22-7-[27]-3-9 = 94pts
10.) Michael Kiss/Chris Rast, Bacio; 11-14-17-12-[35]-10-8-10-11-6 = 99pts

Corinthian Results: (top three)
1.) Marcus Eagan, Cajun Underwriting
2.) John Brown, Blind Squirrel
3.) Paul Currie, Wild Deuces

About the sponsors

The 2013 Audi Melges 20 World Championship is proud to be welcoming a stunning array of competitors, not to mention strong, supporting sponsors. A very special thanks to Atlantic Yacht Rigging, Coral Reef Sailing Apparel, Gill Marine Apparel, Melges USA, Ocean Reef Club, Pusser's Rum and Regatta Ginger Beer.

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