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Mumm 30 World Championships at La Trinite-sur-Mer - Overall

by Renee Mehl 4 Jun 2005 18:25 BST 1-4 June 2005

It was another perfect sailing day to finish the last two races of the Mumm 30 World Championship. There was breeze building out of the west from 12-20 knots as another front rolled through and cleared the clouds for some beautiful sailing on the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Morbihan.

The start of Race 10 was on time with no problems, but the black flag was hoisted for Race 11 after a general recall. After the upset caused earlier in the event, the sailors were far more respectful and the start was clear. Two four-leg windward leeward courses were completed and the new world champions are Pierre-Loic Berthet and his crew aboard Bouyges Telecom. Their conservative finishes of 8 and 19 were enough to pass Toulon Provence Mediteranee Coych who were mid fleet today.

Complete translations of the French press releases, quotes from the skippers and crew and photographs from the event will be available on starting on June 5.

Thanks to event sponsors Champagne Mumm, North Sails, Armor Lux, the Port of La Trinite sur Mer, the Conseil General of Morbihan and the region of Brittany and to the event organizers Societe Nautique de la Trinite.

Overall Results:

PosBoat NameSkipperR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11Pts
1BOUYGUES TELECOMPl. Berthet371621415981984
3ASTERIXL. Browne22321104115897100
4LE PORT-BRED-REUNIONM. Guessard361414165863429117
5FOREIGN AFFAIRR. Perini41894122931814314128
6GROOVEDERCID. Demourkas9422420162261961129
7TWINS 3E. Maris1213108131272251224138
8MEAN MACHINEP. de Ridder2421131836411148140
9BARKING MADJ. Richardson66121530941212112146
10DANGEROUS BUT FUNM. Perris1857425412521104151
11KANATIC.R. Barr7111152131727222610151
12TOBAGOH. Leduc14515171011319231916152
13RUE-DU-PORT.COMN. Pauchet2912430920416715164
14BELVEDERE-EBSCOV. Portugal172533915754251315168
15COTES D'ARMORV. Biarnes3420181218179126522173
16DEFI PARTAGE-MARSEILLET. Bouchard1922251011184114181711206
17REGION ILE DE FRANCEJ. Pahun3813822271118832125212
18DUNKERQUE PLAISANCED. Souben11382836261514911243215
19RAINBOWBent Dietrich201072525261128272913221
20COURRIER DUNKERQUEG. Trentesaux2228201935141616201818226
21ALPES MARITIMESS. Chtounder15192213324412022030227
22TECHNEAU PAYS GRANVILLAISB. Charon163461114314124341517243
23TOPASH. Bruening329172641281010151441243
24MAMMY !Foley Diarmuid27163128752121413441272
25AMEC SPIE SODIFAC ROUBAIXE. Basset82435238391241303520275
26INEO SUEZ POLE I.R.SP. Langlais23321931362220414176278
27NANTES ST-NAZAIRE 1L. Sambron2635162039274111132229279
28VAN UDDEN TU DELFTG. Van Der Heÿder1017271317234123413831281
29CARRY-CNTL-UNIMECAC. Bauler4039292119212413243328291
30FILENETL. Corazza2536212716324136292512300
32OUIP. Mckenzie133026293133829413032302
33WHITE SHARKG. Gibbons2829343241191935332326319
34TRIPLE PF. Khalegui Yazdi1831363923362332253736336
35MOONSHINEJack Kelly2126241424412541414141339
36FELICITYH. Harwood/Nick Hartshorn3523323838352230412821343
37NANTES ST-NAZAIRE 2G. Aunette3733393730372617312735349
38EMINENCES. Brain3937303328381537323634359
39PSA PEUGEOT CITROENE. Blouet3027373440344133283237373
40SILICON THEATRE SCENERYR. Pronk3341404129304134343133387

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