Monos and multis link up for Brisbane to Keppel yacht race
by Lisa Ratcliff 29 Mar 2014 15:10 GMT
31 July 2014
Gladstone-Yeppoon race © MYCQ
The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron is grabbing the opportunity to expand its Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race fleet and giving multihull and monohull believers the chance to stand shoulder-to-shoulder.
While debate continues around the country on the inclusion of multihulls in 'traditional' monohull offshore races, RQYS' sailing committee has sprinkled holy water on the combined fleet idea for its signature offshore event and joined a growing number of influential clubs inviting multihulls and monohulls to race as one fleet for separate trophies.
RQYS Commodore Kevin Miller said, "The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron feels it's time for multihulls to be part of this great event. We applied through Yachting Queensland for the correct safety category enhancements to allow multihulls and we are delighted to announce the success of that application.
"The multihull division will have its own line honours trophy - the Joe Newton perpetual trophy which was unveiled last Friday evening at a Captain's Table dinner attended by the namesake and club member who relayed to the audience the story of Oracle Team USA's fascinating campaign to win the last America's Cup. The naming of the trophy is a fitting addition to the race considering Joe's history in high-speed catamaran racing at the very top level."
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club successfully ran a multihull division for the January Pittwater to Coffs race and Middle Harbour Yacht Club's resumed partnership with Mooloolaba Yacht Club has brought the Sydney to Mooloolaba yacht race back to the calendar (April 9) with monohulls and multihulls invited.
In a member publication Multihull Yacht Club Queensland's Vice Commodore Mike Hodges said, "Now is your chance to show off your multi's performance in the Brisbane to Keppel race against the canting keel boats and the TP52s so don't hold back, let's show the monos a good fleet."
Chris Dewer, the editor of MYCQ's Multinews magazine added, "We are very pleased multihulls are slowly being accepted into the sailing fraternity. It will certainly generate more excitement and interest from the public."
Queensland's coastal fringe offers rich cruising and racing grounds and the RQYS aims to tap into this concentration of multihull owners and lure entries from other states on their way to Airlie Beach and Audi Hamilton Island race weeks in August.
The 343 nautical mile Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race from Queensland's Moreton Bay to Rossyln Bay at Great Keppel Island will start at midday on Thursday July 31, 2014.
View the amendment to the Notice of Race here.
The Notice of Race has been published and online entry is open.
Further course details will be included in the sailing instructions.
Entries close Friday 18 July, 2014.