RNTS Media partner with Invest Africa entry in the Clipper Race
by Amy Martindale 15 Apr 2014 18:12 BST
15 April 2014

(l to r) Invest Africa skipper Rich Gould, RNTS board member Dirk Van Daele, RNTS CEO Jai Paik and board member Guy Dubois and the crew of Invest Africa © Clipper Ventures
Global digital media company sails into San Francisco to join Invest Africa as official partner in world's longest ocean race
Today, digital media company RNTS Media announced its official partnership of the Invest Africa entry in the 2013-14 edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race at South Beach Yacht Club in San Francisco.
The company is the leader in all-in-one cloud-based broadcasting and video-on-demand platform and educational and youth entertainment content, developing highly popular gaming apps for mobile use. Launching in the US market, the company is pursuing acquisition of relevant US companies and content across the United States.
The Clipper Race and Invest Africa partnership is a great platform for global expansion to attract international partners into emerging continents such as Africa and its rapidly growing society where practically all digital communication is via mobile, a natural growth area for the company.
The announcement today was attended by RNTS new US board member, California-based film producer and financier Ryan Kavanaugh (Founder & CEO, Relativity Media) and Guy Dubois (Chairman, SecureAlert). They were joined by South Korean RNTS Media CEO Jai Paik and RNTS board member Dirk Van Daele for a tour and sail in the bay on board the 70-foot ocean racer that has crossed over 30,678 miles of ocean since leaving London last September.
RNTS board member, Dirk Van Daele said: "We thought a partnership with the Invest Africa sponsored team in the Clipper Race is an exciting and great way to be linked to Africa as an expanding market. They skipped the fixed landline moving straight into mobility. The smartphone usage is coming into the forefront in the African continent very quickly and is a very interesting and a potential huge market for our company."
The Clipper Race was set up by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the first person to sail solo non-stop around the world in 1968-9. His vision was to enable people - regardless of their sailing history - the chance to take part in ocean racing no matter what their background.
The fleet has just raced 5,600 miles across the mighty Pacific, sailing into San Francisco under the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Spending over three weeks at sea battling against storms and mountainous waves, thick fog and lightning storms, crossing the International Date Line - and for most of the race, the closest other humans to the teams were those on the International Space Station, highlighting the extreme challenge of Leg 6.
The feet is berthed at the South Beach Yacht Club, Pier 40. Race 11, the PSP Logistics Panama 100 Cup, starts from San Francisco on 19 April and sees the teams transit the Panama Canal in its centenary year. They will then cross through to the Caribbean side to carry on racing to Jamaica before finishing this US coast-to-coast leg in New York.