Thornbury SC Regatta 2014 - Preview
by Paul Craig 13 Jul 2014 11:16 BST
19-20 July 2014

Thornbury Sailing Club Regatta © Martin Bradford
On the 19th & 20th July, Thornbury SC will be hosting its annual regatta, with great sailing during the day and great entertainment in the evening. Hopefully the weather gods will shine on us and provide us with the usual fantastic conditions that make TSC such a great sailing venue.
Last years event was brilliantly supported by the Yachts & Yachting Online #GetOutAndSail awards and this year we hope that the event will be just as good if not even better.
There will be a boatshed galley open for bacon butties on both Saturday & Sunday morning, an evening meal on Saturday night (tickets to be bought by midday on Saturday). The evening entertainment will be provided by the awesome Kirris Riviere blues band.
We hope to see loads of regular visitors, and also extend a warm welcome to those visiting for the first time. Classes that have expressed an interest so far include Fireballs, RS200s, Graduates, Cherubs & D-Ones.
Racing will be provided for the following fleets:
- Slow Handicap with PY numbers of 990 and above
- Fast Handicap with PY numbers of 989 and below including catamarans
- Cruisers with PY / Byron yardsticks
Each fleet will have two races per day counting as a mini-series with no discards.
First race on Saturday 12:00
First race on Sunday 13:00
Singlehanders £10 (Under 16s £5)
Doublehanders £15 (Under 16s £7.50)
Cruisers £15
One day entry is half the price above
For more info visit