Lakeland and Border Laser Grand Prix at St. Mary's Loch this Saturday
by Jonathan Nicoll 2 Oct 2014 20:30 BST
4 October 2014
The penultimate round of the 2014 Lakeland and Border Laser Grand Prix series takes place at St. Mary's Loch S.C. on October 4th.
All sailors who complete 4 events will receive a prize sponsored by UKLA and Rooster Sailing and will be entered into the draw for a Wildwind Sailing Holiday. With Tony Bamforth from Annandale S.C. in an apparently unassailable position at the top of the table the fight is mainly for the runner-up positions.
For the first time for months the wind forecast for the day is good as Summer finally gives way to Autumn. Racing is scheduled to start at midday and the final event and prize-giving are at Annandale S.C. the following Saturday, October 11th.