Mirror World Championship at Theewater Sports Club - Practice Race
by Robert Bellfield 5 Jan 2015 09:31 GMT
4-9 January 2015
Winds gusting over 25 knots limited the numbers at the World Championships Practice Race - with most competitors concentrating on final race preparation prior to the main championship starting today.
The Opening Ceremony was preceded by a March through the centre of Villiersdorp, led by the Izivungu Vungu band that is part of the MSC and South African Navy sponsored sailing academy based in Cape Town that provides sailing development for children from the townships.
This was followed by the hoisting of the national flags of GBR, AUS, FRA, JPN and RSA and the mixing of waters from the competing nations. The informal touch rugby match between the British Lions and South Africa was won by the Lions!
Day One has dawned with a steady 19 knots and sunshine - should be a great day of racing - with 3 races planned. A French 470 squad member has joined the fleet - should make interesting competition.