Butler Boats prepped and ready for the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show
by Emma Slater, RYA 19 Feb 2015 07:50 GMT
28 February - 1 March 2015
Dave Butler's Miracle, 'Mayhem' 4060 © Butler Boats
With less than two weeks to go until the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2015, the team at Butler Boats are nearing completion of current orders, have constructed boats for the show and if you have been following their Facebook Page you'll be aware that the beautiful (as Andy at Butler Boats doesn't mind saying!) 'Composite Streaker' is now built and awaiting a final fit out and polish up.
At the show Dave Butler's Miracle; 'Mayhem' 4060 will be taking pride of place on the Miracle Stand (C52) and Butler Boat's FRP Streaker will be on display on the Streaker Stand (C66). The Farr 3.7 is again making an appearance and an impression, they hope! With composite Farr hulls under development Butler Boats are looking forward to offering the Farr as a part built kit for the home builder or a fully fitted out ready to race option. If you're interested or just intrigued by this great boat email Dave or Andy at
"Having our own stand is a fantastic opportunity for us to speak with our customers, discuss future projects or developments within the classes we build for and also, as is essential, enables us to promote the good name of Butler Boats to a dedicated and enthusiastic dinghy sailing community", commented Andy Yates, Boat Builder from Butler Boats
The team are once again looking forward to meeting potential new customers, customers past and present and anyone else interested in their work and are happy to answer any questions or queries with regard to the dinghies they build. So don't hesitate to get yourselves down to Stand C56 and meet the Butler Boats Team.
Check out the Butler Boats Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/butlerboats for up to the minute information and pictures.
For more information about the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show and to get your tickets visit www.dinghyshow.org.uk