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Crewsaver Supersafe 150N
Crewsaver Supersafe 150N

Windermere Winter Series incorporating the IRC Inland Championships

by Andrew Smith, WCA Sailing Secretary 24 Mar 2015 07:09 GMT November 2014 - March 2015

The Windermere Winter Series takes place on every other Sunday from November to March, and is run by the WCA. It attracts a mix of sports boats, IRC racing yachts and cruisers, welcoming a mix of abilities – from relative newcomers to class national champions.

There are two fleets – IRC and PY – giving close and competitive racing for all types of boat, based on two back-to-back 100 min races around Windward-Leeward or Olympic courses. The 2014/2015 Winter Series saw a real mix of weather conditions – at times an exercise in drifting, other days testing crews to the limit with high winds, snow and wintry squalls.

The IRC racing is highly competitive, with the top 5 often only separated by a few seconds, and officially recognised as the Inland IRC Championships. The PY fleet is equally tightly contested – but is also designed to be fun, inclusive and to encourage people into competitive racing.

This year the overall winner of the IRC fleet was Steve Goacher (Eric the Boat, Hunter Sonata), closely followed by Stuart Fitton (Scenario Encore, IOR ¾ Tonner) and Gerry Firth (Off Limits, Beneteau 25 OD). Whilst the IRC fleet includes any boat with a recognised IRC rating, the IRC Inland Championship can only be won by yachts with a current valid IRC certificate. The IRC Championship was won by Eric the Boat, followed by Scenario Encore, and with Jaw Breaker, a J70 skippered by David Atkinson, in third.

The PY fleet was won in style by Stuart Spence in Carna, a Beneteau First 21.7, followed Keith Jones in Alchemey, a Hunter Formula 1 and Dan Seed in SHED, a Topper Breeze 6.0.

Asked what motivates him to get up early on cold Sunday mornings during the winter months to compete, Stuart Spence replied: "It's great to get out and sail and keep your hand in over the winter months. I sail with my wife, Deb, and good friend John. Whilst it can be very competitive there is always a good atmosphere and still time for a joke on the water, as well as off. To race in a good winter breeze with a snow-peaked mountain backdrop and then meet up with friends in the bar afterwards takes a lot of beating! (OK, so it's not always sunny but when you look back, it's quite surprising how few of the races are really wet). We sail a First 21.7 in the PY handicap fleet but with more than half a dozen other 21's we get some near to one-design racing in as well which adds to the entertainment."

Windermere is a unique venue. We do see sudden shifts and squalls – all adding to the mix and fun of racing on the lake. Being only 15mins from the M6, Windermere is easy to get to, and sees competitors from as far as the Clyde and the Midlands taking the trouble to get up early every other Sunday and travel to the Lake District. The venue is very scenic – when the racing is over it is good to simply relax, sit back and enjoy fantastic scenery – before heading off the bar to swap stories.

Please visit the WCA website for more information and how to enter the 2015/16 winter series.

Overall Results:


PosBoat NameBoat TypeSkipperSail NoIRCR1R2R4R7R9R10R12R13R14R15R16Pts
1stEric the BoatHunter SonataSteve Goacher48N0.82312‑31‑511111312
2ndScenario EncoreIOR 3/4 TonnerStuart Fitton2420.976‑31131322‑42217
3rdOff LimitsBeneteau 25 ODGerry Firth59R0.9537‑13.52(DNC)225568138
4thMissredHunter SonataJulian Newman07N0.8238‑9‑96664424545
5thJaw BreakerJ70David Atkinson1370.97444(DNC)3‑106886649
6thFrank SonataHunter SonataAndrew Smith38N0.823‑97‑137958755760
7thMystery MachineLaser 28Ben Varley57C0.925562413(DNC)(DNC)37DNC66
8thDJANGOJ70Christopher Haworth1280.97111085‑12(DNC)9973971
9thNo LimitsBeneteau 25 ODPeter Mountain25220.95310‑117910‑1276910472
10thAtlantis tooSB 20Rachel Wilkinson30700.957685(DNC)7(DNC)11DNC1191290
11thCeltic ChallengerCork 1720Terry Tinn1704123(DNC)(DNC)10411712DNF10161091
12thSwan SongBeneteau First Class 8Peter Chester65C0.931126128DNF(DNC)10(DNC)16118100
13thHouse of FunVX OneDavid Clarke189112(DNC)(DNC)11DNF8433DNCDNCDNC105
14thRidiculousBeneteau 25 ODRod Bullough25040.9531312141113(DNC)(DNC)DNC141311122
15thMoody CowHunter SonataStephen Foster01N0.8231413.515(DNC)148(DNC)DNC121213122.5
16thHigh & DryHunter SonataSteve Williams85N0.8231515(DNC)10159(DNC)DNC151414128
17thNow4J80Andrew Cheetham6940.9581616(DNC)(DNC)DNC11DNCDNC131515149
18thShamuBolero 1/4 Tonner (Mod)Peter Hewitson71160.88423(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC152
19thPhantomSpirit 37Brian Scowcroft37112(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC189
19thPura VidaJ80Paul Lawton13730.958(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC189


PosBoat NameBoat TypeSail NoSkipperPYR1R2R4R7R9R10R12R13R14R15R16Pts
1stCarnaBeneteau First 21.7133Stuart Spence1066224‑52‑71112116
2ndAlchemyHunter Formula One8038Keith Jones10165‑8131‑92324223
3rdSHEDTopper Breeze 6615Dan Seed940113‑763‑8741430
4thR BoatBeneteau First 21.755RJohn Walter1097337651(DNF)23‑8333
5thA.W.O.LHunter Formula One8052Dave Priestley1016‑94213446‑83734
6thWestwindsBeneteau First 21020LTony Sladen1066676‑876655‑9553
7thSalohcinBeneteau 311 (LK)31111David Milburn111645‑119‑11113410.561163.5
8thBanditHunter Formula One8029Alan Stokes10168(DNF)52885RAF12‑13666
9thElunedEtap 21i375John Fenton11421099DNF95(DNC)(DNC)77976
10thKindred SpiritBeneteau First 21121211Phil Hackney10661111(DNC)4(DNC)109DNF13121092
11thSC1Beneteau First 21.725LMichael Shimell106676(DNC)(DNC)DNC2DNCDNC65DNC98
12thWhoosh!Beneteau First 21117TAndrew Thomson1066131310(DNC)10(DNC)7DNF10.5DNF898.5
13thSpider PigHunter Formula One8033Alastair Bennett1016(DNC)(DNC)8DNC4DNCDNCDNC910DNC121
14thExe‑PressBeneteau First 211336LJohn hughes1066DNF1012(DNC)1212(DNC)DNC1411DNC122
15thBarneySun Odyssey 33i LK1111Justin English11051212DNF(DNC)13(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC141
16thDefianceToledo5386Richard Man1007(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC10DNFDNCDNCDNC148
17thTamiankaAlbin Viggen424Ann Muir1160(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC162