Festivities in Bordeaux for Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire
by Artemis Offshore Academy 27 May 2015 09:43 BST
22-24 May 2015

The Bank Holiday weekend marked a spectacular opening to 46th edition of the Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire in Bordeaux © Alexis Courcoux

The Bank Holiday weekend marked a spectacular opening to the 46th edition of the Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire in Bordeaux. On Friday 22nd May, 39 of 40 Figaro Bénéteau IIs paraded up the river Gironde from Pauillac and into the heart of the historic French city. Serenaded by the cheers of the crowds and music blasting out from the Figaro flotilla, the Solitaire skippers' arrival was celebrated with an epic firework display that lit up the Bordeaux skyline. The eight British competitors taking part in the 2185-mile race, Nick Cherry (Redshift), Henry Bomby (Rockfish Red), Jack Bouttell (GAC Concise), Sam Matson (Chatham), Alan Roberts (Magma Structures), Andrew Baker (Artemis 23), Rob Bunce (Artemis 37) and Robin Elsey (Artemis 43), were overwhelmed by the warm French welcome they received, with 50,000 people turning out to greet the 2015 fleet.
"It was magical coming into the city on Friday night, with the fireworks and the crowds shouting and all the lights," Redshift skipper Nick Cherry recalled on arrival. Unsure what to expect, British Rookie Rob Bunce was also blown away: "The entry into Bordeaux was amazing. Coming up the river to the cheers of THAT many people on the bank in the middle of the night was pretty incredible."
Returning to Bordeaux for a second time with Nick and Henry Bomby, Jack Bouttell summarised the welcome party: "It really brought to light how exciting and what a big event the Solitaire is. It really showed just how many people are excited to see us compete and although it's fun and games now, it really reinforced that we're about to take on a world class solo sailing race."
On Saturday 23rd May, the Race Village in Bordeaux opened its doors. For the British skippers, the opening came as a great opportunity to practice their French on the public stage at 'The Presentation of the Skippers'. Every competitor is invited on stage to introduce themselves, thanking the city for its hospitality...in French to thousands of French people. Preparing their speeches before even arriving in Bordeaux, the moment of truth came for the British skippers on Sunday 24th May: "I prepared a fool proof speech basically saying thank you to the people of Bordeaux for the festivities and for having me here..." Rookie Andrew Baker explained. "Then finished with an apology for my bad French!"
"My speech definitely didn't go as badly as I feared it would," Andrew's fellow British Rookie Robin Elsey continued. "Standing onstage with sailing legends like Yann Elies and Alain Gautier was pretty cool too. It's so amazing to be part of this event."
For the rest of the week, the sailors will be required to attend media interviews, race briefings, official soirées and take part in exhibition races. A daily racing spectacle in front of the Race Village, eight skippers will line up to test their speed against one another for the delight of Bordeaux's spectators. In the evenings, the sailors will take part in the 'Journal of la Solitaire' – a daily chat show broadcast live on France Bleu, featuring three Solitaire competitors each day.
On Saturday 30th May, Bordeaux will host the official Solitaire du Figaro Prologue race, starting 1745 CET: "Bordeaux has been amazing so far," Alan Roberts enthused. "But the pressure will really kick in mid-week. With everything going on, we have to remember that the next month of our lives will be sailing with a bit of eating and sleeping when we can. The Prologue really marks the end of our time in Bordeaux."
On Sunday 31st May, Leg 1 of the 2015 Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire (Bordeaux to Sanxenxo), will start from Pauillac at 1645 CET. At 461 miles, the first leg alone is longer than any races the British competitors have taken part in this season. It's crunch time...
You can watch the Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire start LIVE on the official website.
Keep track of what Sam, Henry, Jack, Nick, Alan, Rob, Robin and Andrew get up to in the build up to the Leg 1 start via the Artemis Offshore Academy website, Facebook and Twitter.
Nick Cherry, Redshift
Fourth Solitaire du Figaro
"Bordeaux is a little dangerous in a way. There's a lot of fun to be had and Bordeaux's a really fun city, but we've got a serious race to start in a few days time. It's a case of enjoying it for a couple of days and then getting on with serious business from the middle of the week and really knuckling down."
Andrew Baker, Artemis 23
"My biggest problem with the presenation of the skippers was that I was learning responses, but realised I probably wouldn't understand the questions! I prepared a fool proof blurb basically saying thank you to the people of Bordeaux for the festivities and for having me here... then finished with an to end with an apology for my bad French!"
Henry Bomby, Rockfish Red
Fourth Solitaire du Figaro
"Bordeaux has been amazing so far. It was particularly cool to host Stéphane Mifsud – the world champion free diver – on my boat during the speed runs! I think he really enjoyed himself – he was snapping away on his iPhone so he's definitely got a lot of good photographs!"
Sam Matson, Chatham
Second Solitaire du Figaro
"Our entrance into Bordeaux was amazing, the French take sailing so seriously. The Union Jack on my mainsail went down a treat with the cheering crowds, [many of them British] I felt really proud to be representing my British sponsor Chatham."