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J80 World Championship at Kieler Yacht Club - Overall

by Martina Nebelung 13 Jul 2015 10:24 BST 5-10 July 2015

Spanish team win

The proud Spaniards are wearing the crown of the J/80 class. At the end of the World Championship off Kiel the two Iberian top teams staged a dramatic final, in which the crew of "Princesa Yaiza" around Skipper and owner Rayco Babares Alvarez brushed past their countrymen. Marc de Antonio, skipper of the beaten "Bribon Movistar" was thoroughly disappointed – he had led the races from the very first day onward. The 3rd place was secured the French "Co-Pilotes" (Maxime Mesnil) against the strongly emerging team from Bremen of the "Procedes Diva" around Björn Beilken.

In a weather scenario which caused the 50 teams of 8 nationalities difficulties over the entire World Championship, conditions from light to strong wind, the crews were really challenged on the last race day. The storm of the previous day had died down on Friday morning, but strong gusts of up to 30 knots blew across the racing course. The race officer, Fabian Bach, signalled an earlier start for sailing and left no doubts that he wanted to increase the competition load, getting three fast races underway. "Everything went down well; the competitors were also quite satisfied. Many of them offered their thanks at the finishing line", the race officer explained. The wind conditions were challenging but the basic wind force was stable, Bach explained, who hoisted the black flag after a premature start on the 1st day's race, bringing the crews under tightened terms across the starting line. At the end of the week he voiced satisfaction with his team's work. The praise was echoed by Thore Hansen, the managing director of the marketing agency POS: "The entire team worked perfectly in the preparation and execution of the World Championship. We are proud to have such volunteers from the Kieler Yacht-Club and the German J/80 Class Association gathered together". The conditions provided a great World Championship. "We started with light winds for the practice race, and then had spectacular scenes during the following races. Kiel put on its smiling face and offered good conditions for all sailors. The race committee showed, by planning the course close to the shore, sailing at one's fingertip and by doing so furthered the recruitment for Kiel as venue", Hansen explained, who was delighted with the presence of the local and trade press: "The "Segler-Zeitung" as media partner of the Worlds showed competence and thoroughness in the reporting of the event. The support of the SZ reporting daily of the World Championship contributed to making the event a medial success".

Especially on the last day the visitors to the Olympic Center at Schilksee were offered quality sport directly off the jetty, as the crews in gusty winds turned around the luff buoy and hoisted their genakkers. The perfectly working team of the Rayco Babares Alvarez didn't miss the big chance of displaying quality seamanship: "We are a family crew, sailing together for many years, integrating the tasks" explained the overjoyed skipper of the "Hotel Princesa Yaiza" on reaching the harbour. "We prefer a little less wind, but in the first two races of the day everything simply worked better than for our competitors for the title". With a victory at the start of the day and a 4th place in the following race, the team from Lanzarote on the Canaries had already secured the crown. The 6th place became the voided result for Alvarez, who also had his wife on board. "This title means unbelievably much to us. It's our second victory since 2009. We came to win, but knew it would be difficult fighting our compatriots. In the first few days we had to come to terms with the charter boat. During the Championship we gradually found our best trim". Contrary feelings prevailed on the "Bribon Movistar", who even with a win in the last race could not secure the victory, after dropping back to the 6th place on the previous race. "Today of all days – the most important one – our manoeuvres were not good, and we made wrong tactical decisions. The starts were generally ok, but at the luff buoys we had already lost the race", skipper de Antonio explained. "The win at the end improved our spirits but in general we are very disappointed". Even though the finish of "Procedes Diva" (fellowship of the Wappen von Bemen) didn't secure them a place on the podium, the crew around Björn Beilken showed satisfaction about the World Championship: "A place on the podium would have been perfect, as this was our final competition in this class", tactician Jork Homeyer explained: "But we're satisfied. We aimed at a placing in the top ten and toward the end came very close to secure a medal, which we didn't even dare to hope for. And then to win a day's race in the World Championship was great". Five points were missing at the end for a 3rd place for the French team of the "Co-Pilotes", which, with a 13th and a 10th placing in the last two races, had to cast some feathers.

The good performance of the "Procedes Diva" on the last day forced the decision of the internal German duel distinctly. The club members of the "Bootswerft Winkler Campaign" with skipper Sven Vagt, with 15 points down, had to contend themselves with a 5th place. The "Pike" of the local hero Martin Menzner (Kieler YC) lost a further place and landed on 7th place. "Everything went wrong today. Firstly the compass broke down, which in Strander Bay could be compensated. But then the top batten slipped out of the sail. We had to focus on ignoring the flapping to not be distracted", Menzner explained, and then, looking at the results list, realizing that the breakage of the tackline of the gennacker just before the last buoy cost us so many points so that the French "Dunkerque VADK One" overtook us onto the 6th overall placing.

Andreas Rose, chairman of the German Class Association, summarised the World Championship in these few words: "It was a great week with difficult conditions, but also with light-wind competitions. In any case we had a lot of fun". Kiel's Lord Mayor, Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, was impressed at the Prize Giving Ceremony: "You presented great sport and superb sportsmanship. It was an honour to have had you here. Once more you have put Kiel in the focus of German sailing".

The chairman of Kieler Yacht-Club, Karsten Krage, thanked the competitors of 8 nationalities: "Thank you very much for coming to Kiel and offering us such thrilling races. We are looking forward to seeing you next year at Kieler Woche".

The State Capital remains in focus over the next few days, as from the 11th to the 18th of July nearly 200 catamarans will be staging the Formula 18 World Championship off Schilksee.

The J/80 Worlds are sponsored by Helly Hansen, Faber+ Münker, RWE, the Friesischen Brewery of Jever, Pantaenius Yacht insurance, the "Segler Zeitung", "WetterWelt", the "Offenen Kanal Kiel" and the State Capital Kiel.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoSkipperBoat NameClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
1 ESP 783Rayco TABARES ÁLVAREZHotel Princesa YaizaReal Club Naútico de Arrecife324231214‑622
3 FRA 453Maxime MESNILCO‑PILOTESyacht club cherbourg43141‑2345131045
4 GER 1107Björn BEILKENProcedes DivaSKWB54314‑2013331450
5 GER 1027Sven VAGTBOOTSWERFT WINKLER ‑ campaignSKWB Segelkameradschaft "Das Wappen von Bremen"1057‑51291595365
6 FRA 1289Rémy HURDIELDunkerque VADK OneDunkerque Yachting Club119‑19313212814880
7 GER 614Martin MENZNERPIKEKYC2761315‑19114101280
8 FRA 874Périg DONNARDMARINE BREST 1Club Nautique Marine Brest61381148‑301391183
9 GBR 1363Jon POWELLbettywarsash sailing club8111217117614‑25793
10 FRA 881Victor MIGRAINEteam espoir PAPRECSRH12‑5197126147111593
11 ESP 1116Javier CHACÁRTEGUIHM‑hotelsCN Arenal98‑51592851131694
12 GER 853Hauke KRÜSStak for turenWVH2019131014148187‑51123
13 ITA 1143Massimo RAMAJeniale! AkewueleLNI Sestri Levante2510109161071624‑51127
14 DEN 1168Johnny JENSENBHJ‑FONDENSønderborg Yacht Club14181520811171215‑51130
15 FRA 797Martin BERTRANDCHARLYSociété des Régates Rochelaises7652272744‑51125135
16 FRA 639Patrick BOTECOLE NAVALE CG 29CVAILEE‑51511112221810282136
17 GER 885Martin CHRISTIANSENWoolpowerKYC1512‑51302620919213146
18 FRA 1337Christian FREZEATRIACN MARINE TOULON26162023515‑29152317160
19 GER 1183Olav JANSENNORNAKYC161716‑41182219171723165
20 GER 1033Christian SCHUHMacocaKYC17142382130212320‑51177
21 GER 616Meinhard BRAEDELFilouLYC‑3223221827418212721181
22 GER 529Fritz WASSNERBibelotKYC1315‑5133101639221824190
23 SWE 469Lars GELLERHEDMK‑ProdukterVSS2321173230331610‑3619201
24 FRA 168Gaetan le GUILHotel MIRAMAR560182427142623‑3535272818222
25 GER 1406Maximilian GEBHARDMaramaLYC19202424‑513127343026235
26 GER 1254Carsten TOPFFontySVAOE36302916253373922‑51237
27 GER 900Tim HUEMMEJimKYC212618‑38323226303320238
28 GER 1380Kai‑Gunnar KERSTENGjøaCKA‑5133312724538284227255
29 DEN 1131Lars Solberg WOLLESENKaraboudjanSejlforeningen Vikingen313532351926‑40243228262
30 GBR 309Michael EAMESJalfreziStrangford Lough Yacht Club‑51222125512924362931268
31 GER 1071Finn JANSENBarandonKYC‑5151513451241329169278
32 NED 838Pp de VRIESled2leasewatersportverbond283127402937363821‑51287
33 GER 1371Moritz POHLMANNJupiterDHH‑RG27293039‑513931.2323429290.2
34 GER 1073Dr Matthias HERZBERGLaetitiaKYC1828‑5151514222311930292
35 DEN 1028Flemming DJERNÆSBlue Water ShippingSønderborg22252536282532‑515151295
36 GER 903Gerhard HENßENJoytoyASV i. Aachen34322642‑514023423825302
37 GER 1032Torsten VOSSFridaFYC30‑515121334420253151306
38 DEN 1358Folke GALSGAARDGefionNivå Bådelaug3524‑5128513851262635314
39 FRA 1501Lehmann ERIKHARISCLUB NAUTIQUE DE LA MARINE TOULON‑51515131313433373514317
40 GER 560Karsten THODEJottflottHYCL29‑515129514128203734320
41 GER 389Andreas ROSEtrue gritKYC‑51515115511734404033332
42 GER 1369Milena MÜLLERAntaresDHH‑RG‑51362837512141513932336
43 GBR 726Rachel WOODSJumblesailN/a37343344‑514325414336336
44 DEN 769Niels FEERUPSur AquaNakskov Sejlklub‑51515119515142334422364
45 GER 1057Falk SCHNEPELSleipnirKYC38‑515143174543515151390
46 DEN 1357Claus RINDOMCe‑JuVedbæk33‑515151514631354151390
47 GER 578Sören HADELERThe Beast is back!SVGM‑5151516513651515151399
48 GER 1297Hans‑Juergen WEIDEMANNJetteRKCW‑51515145515151515151453
49 SWE 434Mikael ANDERSSONTeam VallagruppenLBS‑51515146515151515151454
50 FRA 1420Brezellec ERICCOURRIER JUNIORCN SAINT CAST‑51515151515151515151459

Information-starved can get current news on the event homepage or on the Facebook page J/80 Worlds 2015.

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