Yarmouth Gaffers 2016
by Sue Lewis 18 Oct 2015 16:43 BST
2-5 June 2016

Yarmouth Old Gaffers Festival © Keith Allso
The Solent Area of the OGA (Old Gaffers Association) organises the attendance at Yarmouth of our members in their boats and of other gaff rigged craft. In 2015 we celebrated a record registration of over 100 boats.
The town side of the festival, marquee, stalls, bands, exhibitions and street entertainment, is run by a town committee in Yarmouth. This committee is currently seeking sponsorship and new volunteers so that the festival may go ahead on a two year cycle with the next town festival in 2017. If you know of sponsors, or you can volunteer, please contact the committee through their website, www.yarmoutholdgaffersfestival.co.uk. The partnership between OGA and the town of Yarmouth has been a great success for many years.
Yarmouth harbour staff are very keen that the Solent Gaffers organise a major rally to Yarmouth between June 2nd and 5th, 2016. The Solent Gaffers' committee intends to make this happen, with races, including the Yarmouth scows, competitions, fun on the water, shared meals and some shore side entertainment. We want to fill the harbour with fun.
This will be a private event, open to all OGA members and to non-members with gaff rigged craft.
Please keep the dates clear and look out for more information from us in January; if not before. We look forward to seeing you in Yarmouth.