35th Student Yachting World Cup at Le Pouliguen, France - Practice Day
by Icarus Sailing Media 14 Oct 2015 20:11 BST
13-20 October 2015

Practice day at the 35th Student Yachting World Cup © Icarus Sailing Media
Ten student crews coming from all around the world gathered here, in Le Pouliguen for the 35th edition of the Student Yachting World Cup. After one day of preparation, they will have six intense days of hard competition for the title of student world champion of 2015.
This year, the competitors are coming from eight different countries: Switzerland is represented by the EPFL, Canada by Dalhousie University, Scotland by Strathclyde University, Ireland by Trinity College Dublin, Japan by Kobe University, Norway by the Business University of Oslo, France by the École polytechnique, and England by three universities: Southampton, the current titleholders, and the inseparable Oxford and Cambridge.
Each one of these teams arrived at Le Pouliguen yesterday to check in their room, and enjoyed a dinner called the "crew's party", where everyone is invited to bring cooking specialities from his or her country. This dinner is the first occasion they have to meet everyone and begin to enjoy the race atmosphere.
The present day was dedicated to the reception and inspection of the boats and the first training regattas. Unfortunately, some problems with the boats have delayed the training and the crews haven't been able to sail today. Fortunately, almost everything has been fixed, and the training races will take place tomorrow morning. The first regattas should start afterwards.
The day was concluded by the opening ceremony which took place at Le Pouliguen with the mayor of the town.