Snipe Open at Erith Yacht Club
by Sarah Mees 5 Sep 2005 08:55 BST
3-4 September 2005

Poles up round the mark, lead by Ian Knight and Junior crew Peter Reeves during the Erith Snipe open © Sarah Mees
11 International Snipes turned up for Erith Yacht Club's first Open for some years. Six clubs were represented and 3 juniors were on the water, including EYC helm Dawn Snape. 3 races were sailed over two days - wind and weather were perfect both days. The clear expanse of water at EYC on the tidal Thames allowed for Olympic-style courses.
Race 1 saw Ian and Richard Marshall take a clear lead and the race, there were some interesting chnages of position in the next 3 spaces, but otherwise positions were held. After a cracking social evening, with singing AND dancing, Sunday's races were sailed back to back. Nic and Hannah McGonigle (Rutland) made up for their enforced late start at Race 1, by taking Race 2. Richard Banner and Eve Peyto (Erith) managed to overhaul two boats - for their first race in a Snipe this pleased them.
A general recall was made in Race 3,which meant a cautious start eventually. The beat to the windward mark was perfect and there were displays of smart tacking and an unfortunate ducking. Ian and Richard Marshall took 1st again.
Erith Yacht Club were pleased to host the International Snipes and prize giving on the outer deck was a lively affair. There was a prize for 1st placed married couple (Darran and Sarah Fletcher/Erith) amd 1st placed EYC boat went to R.Banner and E.Peyto.
Overall Results:
Pos | Sail No | Helm | Crew | Club | Pts |
1st | 29501 | Ian Marshall | RichardMarshall | Maldon | 5.5 |
2nd | 30315 | Brian Gregory | Ian Gregory | Blue Circle | 6 |
3rd | 27106 | Guy Welch | Alison Brannon | Maldon | 11 |
4th | 29611 | Sue Roberts | Alan Wiliams | Blue Circle/Budworth | 13 |
5th | 29164 | Ian Knight | Peter Reeves (Jnr) | Maldon/Erith | 14 |