'Push the Boat Out' at Twickenham Yacht Club
by Peter Sharp 31 May 2016 23:17 BST
14 May 2016
'Push the Boat Out ' at Twickenham © TYC
On 14th May Twickenham Yacht Club welcomed around 60 visitors to their first ever Push the Boat Out event.
Enthusiastic members welcomed visitors of all ages and the sun shone. Many took to the water for a short sail despite flood water challenging the skills of the helmsmen! A light northerly wind saved the day enabling the sailors to admire such landmarks as Eel Pie Island (home of rock & roll), Ham House full of history & the now converted Star & Garter home for retired servicemen at the top of Richmond Hill.
When the wind dropped our crews were towed back to the clubhouse for sausages & burgers and a range of liquid refreshments.
Many families with lots of excited children joined in the fun which included table football & quoits as the galley served up tea & cakes. The Toppers & Oppies were rigged on the "beach" and a rowing dinghy provided an opportunity to practise rowing or just clamber in and out.
Youngsters were encouraged to "get a feel" for sailing whilst attached to a long line which proved quite an adventure. Two or three kayaks added to the fleet and a number of children got rather wet!
For those who missed this great opportunity the Club is holding an Open Day on 12th June when further opportunities will be available to try sailing on the Thames when we hope the water will be slack. Alternatively visitors are invited to visit the club on Sunday lunchtimes or Wednesday evenings throughout the year.
The stretch of water halfway between Teddington & Richmond is kept at a maintained level apart from 2 hours either side of high water, and it is this that normally enables club racing and recreational sailing to take place at all states of the tide. This is in addition to providing an interesting, picturesque and challenging place to sail.
Twickenham Yacht. club is a recognised RYA Training Centre offering sailing and powerboat courses on the water as well as Day Skipper, VHF & Engine Maintenance courses at very competitive prices. See www.twickenhamyc.co.uk for further details or email