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Selden Eye Swivel Cleat 27mm
Selden Eye Swivel Cleat 27mm

Hansa Class Travellers' Trophy at Spinnaker Club

by Steve Kitson & Angela Cosford 7 Jul 2016 21:24 BST 2 July 2016
2.3 class racing at the Hansa Class Travellers' Trophy at Spinnaker © Bob Scull

On 2nd July New Forest & District Sailability at Spinnaker club in Ringwood hosted the Hansa TT event for the Southern Region. This was the 4th event in the 2016 Hansa National TT Series and the 2nd event in the Hansa Southern TT Series.

It was an early start for the volunteers organising and rigging the boats and putting them on the various pontoons. The kitchen staff and helpers were preparing the bacon rolls and hot drinks as a welcome for all the competitors.

The weather was lovely with blue skies and a good wind of 8-10 knots, increasing through the day with gusts and showers predicted in the afternoon which would make the days racing very exciting.

The Race Officer had his briefing at 10:15 outlining a triangulated course down to the south of the lake and round the back of the middle island and back across to the start line. It was suggested by the competitors that they would do three circuits on each of four races as Spinnaker were hosting a race event on the North side of our lake.

Team New Forest had a fantastic turn out of seven 303 doubles and our very own Rory Morrison in the 2.3 class. Teams from Frensham, Chesil and Tideway joined us to make 17 entries in four classes. A fantastic effort by the volunteers launching and unloading the boats on the two pontoons was swift and well organised.

At 11:15 the first race was started with the Liberty class and then the 303 single, doubles and the 2.3 all fighting for positions. The triangular course took us from the start line up to the windward mark, then back to the east of the island and down to the last mark. By the time the racers returned to the pontoons, those unfortunates without wet weather clothing were soaked as those grey clouds decided to drop their contents!

Each race took around 30 minutes and before long we were all of the lake and enjoying a very nice lunch refuelling ready for the afternoon's racing.

By the afternoon's first race the weather was very changeable, the wind shifts had picked up to 15+ knots and some pretty hairy gusts at times gave the competitors a very challenging time. The racing was heralded by a deluge of rain and those stoic volunteers on the rescue boats deserve our thanks for having to sit there getting soaked.

Still, in true British style, the racing commenced and the two races were fairly tricky with strong wind gusts, especially on the last leg of each lap. There was close and excellent racing in all the classes throughout all four races with no protests put forward.

After the racing, volunteers and racers were treated to a massive spread of delicious cakes, scones, and fruit bread. The prizes were presented by Eric Blythe, NFDS Principal, and winners were announced by NFDS chairman and event organiser, Malcolm Bentley.

Many thanks to all who gave their time and supplied that wonderful tea. Special thanks to all those who organised the event, and also to Angela Bentley catering organiser, Jonathon for pontoon control, and many more.

2.3 fleet results:

PosSail NoClubHelmR1R2R3R4Pts
1st2306New ForestRory Morrsion111(DNC)3
2nd2535FrenshamPaul Kingston2(DNC)2DNC8
3rd2443FrenshamGregor Parker3(DNC)3DNC10

303 two-person fleet results:

PosSail NoClubHelmCrewR1R2R3R4Pts
1st1572FrenshamPeter EthertonPeta Etherton‑22114
2nd2298ChesilTim ScaresbrickAnya De Inogh11‑224
3rd1461FrenshamAndy SheathKate Lintott‑33339
4th2165New ForestMartin HadleySteve Kitson4‑64412
5th2519New ForestPete CoulsonSarah Harrison74‑8516
6th2293New ForestDave JolliffeAngela Cosford556‑816
7th2521New ForestCalvin ChalkAmanda Jukes6‑77720
8th1891New ForestPeter WellsXav Champeau885(DNC)21
9th1740New ForestBob StanyardJason Mears‑10109625
10th2550New ForestJane KinightSue Shewell99(DNS)DNC29

303 one-person fleet results:

PosSail NoClubHelmR1R2R3R4Pts
1st2524FrenshamJames Woosnam111(DNC)3
2nd2518TidewayLeslie Phillip22‑315
3rd2314ChesilPhillip Hall3‑4227
4th2315FrenshamAlison Grant‑434310

Liberty fleet results:

PosSail NoClubHelmR1R2R3R4Pts
1st2402WhitefriersDavid Durston‑11113
2nd2557FrenshamPaul Phillips2‑3226
3rd2561FrenshamTess Watkiss‑32338

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