Richard (Salty) Sault joins the P&B Team
by Pinnell & Bax 27 Sep 2005 16:40 BST
Richard fresh from his victory at the Enterprise Nationals this year has joined the ever expanding Mail order/Retail Department at P&B.
Richards wealth of knowledge will prove to be invaluable to P&B customers due to his Championship experience. Not only is he reigning 2005 Enterprise National champion but he has also won the 2004 Inland championships as well as being Graduate national champion 3 times in a row. Richard started sailing in a Mirror dinghy joining Beaver sailing club at the age of 10.
Richard will be sailing a Enterprise powered by P&B Sails with his next big event being the Enterprise World championships to be held in Sri Lanka.
Everyone at P&B would like welcome Richard to the team and will be helping him prepare for the world due to be sailed in February 2006.
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