Celebration of the National Solo event postponed
by Will Loy 18 Aug 2016 07:17 BST
20-21 August 2016
Day 5 of the Superspars National Solo UK Championship © Will Loy
The forecast for this weekend's celebration event, due to take place at Draycote Water S.C. has taken a turn for the worse.
XC Weather currently shows 18-29 gusts at 10am Sat, 24-35 gusts at 1pm and 23-37 gusts at 4pm. Sunday shows 18-32 gusts, 18-30 gusts at 1pm, 15-25 gusts at 4pm. Other weather stations are showing equally high wind velocity.
Using the same guide that we utilised at the Winter champs we have decided to postpone this event to a later date. An added reason for the postponement is that there will be older Solos there and possibly some less experienced sailors. I am especially disappointed as I had put many hours into organising the event.
The situation is unlike the Winters when we postponed the event the day before. The earlier postponement will hopefully allow accommodation to be cancelled. Entry fees will be refunded and we will look to move a Vintage event to the Inlands or the End of Seasons.