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Cyclops Marine 2023 November - LEADERBOARD

Redwing National Championship at the Isles of Scilly - Overall

by Brian Carvey 28 Aug 2016 16:10 BST 21-26 August 2016

With no wind forecast for the scheduled final day all competitors agreed to the running of two races on Thursday to complete the Championships.

The first race started well enough, but the wind fell away quickly making progress challenging. In the end the winner was Colin Crabb from Arthur Kinver with local man Keith Buchanan in third, however from that point getting to the finish line became a very slow affair.

After a delay the breeze filled in and after some course changes the final race got underway.

Colin Crabb again got an excellent start however Buchanan, needing only a second to take the title, didn't get a good start and had to work his way up through the fleet, only managing fifth. This gave overjoyed Colin Crabb and crew Adam Hayler their first Championship win together with a one point advantage.

All the competitors enjoyed a great week both on and off the water and would like to thank the Scillonian Sailing Club for all their hard work.

Overall Results:

PosBoat NameSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stCock of the Rock240Jack PopeChris Jackman Looe SC‑4132219
2ndDragon244Colin CrabbAdam HaylerLooe SC24.52‑63314.5
3rdChaffinch154Angus CookTom LewisNDYC‑117131618
4thSweet Song225Mike StaceDeanna MortonTenby SC14.54‑75721.5
5thShag251Keith BuchananNed BuchananScilly66‑814522
6thBald Eagle250Peter KinverJoe PalfryLooe SC5278‑10224
7thCeltic Warrior243Arthur KinverTamsin KinverLooe SC73‑946424
8thLyonesse249Eric EvansKaty QuickNDYC3‑8557828
9thWhite Falcon253Michael FoulkesP Linardo / Soren Selter Looe SC896‑12121146
10thPintail228Bill DowellNan DowellTenby SC9(231198946
11thPegasus190 / 22Alex McDonaldRuth AllenTenby SC‑1310121091354
12thSpirit205JamesBen HicksScillonian SC151210(OCS)111058
13thRed Kite252Paul DunnLauren BowdlerLooe SC10111313‑151259
14thNightingale246Cecil DuValleHedley MartinLooe SC1213‑1511131463
15thVenus178Carol ShaveJake BuchananScilly1716‑1814171579
16thVianne194Mike HannafordSam WightmanOxford SC1417161716‑1880
17thFlotsam174Mike HickPoppy FlaxmanNDYC18141916(DNF)1784
18thDiscretion221 / 224Christine NicholJohn BanksScillonian SC(RET)231715141685
19thPoppet62Stan PyleOliver ChopeNDYC16152020(DNF)2091
20thWren ‑ Vindalooe165Amy BarkerTerry Hayman/NickNDYC/Durleigh SC19181419(DNF)2292
21stKittiwake2Richard SpillerKeith Cockrell 20192218(DNF)21100
22ndChanty211 / 248Matt MuirGuy Cook / Dominic BrittonNDYC21(RET)21OCSDNF19107

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