2017 Hansa Class European Championships to be held in Meze, France
by David Staley 26 Oct 2016 15:13 BST
21-27 October 2017

The 2017 Hansa Europeans will be held in Meze, France © Yacht Club de Mèze
The International Hansa Class Association has announced that the 2017 Hansa Class Combined European Championships will be held at Meze, situated on the Étang de Thau in southern France from October 21 to 27.
"We are delighted that Yacht Club de Mèze has offered to conduct our 2017 European Championships", said IHCA Vice President Championships Zoltan Pegan.
The Yacht Club de Mèze is located on the shores of Etang de Thau, well know for the Bouzigues' oyster. With the experience of organising the French Hansa Championships in 2015 and the French Inclusive (disabled-valide) Championship in 2016, the club and its team have the capability to conduct a quality championship event.
"This part of France can be windy in October, but the race area for the Hansa classes will be good for racing. At this period the temperature are still very comfortable", said YCM Director Marie Claire Durand.
Mèze is located 25 km the south west of Montpellier in the south of France. It is easily accessed by the motorway, there is a TGV station at Sète and by plane through Montpellier airport. Shuttles will take competitors from transport hubs to the competition venue.
There are a variety of accommodation choices, with many hotels, camping and possibly on-site accommodation. A list of all options will be posted on the website.
The Hansa Class Combined Championships will include the following competitions:
- Hansa 2.3 European Championship (single person)
- Hansa 303 Single Person European Championship
- Hansa 303 Two Person European Championship
- Liberty European Championship (single person)
- SKUD 18 European Championship (two person)
There will be four other events in the week leading up to the Hansa European championships:
- A Para Sailing Coaching Clinic: 16-20 October
- An International Congress on the best practices for disabled sailing: 19-21 October
- Training on disabled sailing for instructors and coaches: 16-21 October
- Throughout October there will be a number cultural and sporting events focusing on disability
The inclusive Hansa Classes are a group of small keelboats which enable sailors of all ages and abilities to enjoy sailing and competing together.
The YC Mèze have all the facilities and all the site is wheelchair accessible. For the championship, three transfer hoists will be used. A large marquee will be installed for the meals, briefing, ceremonies etc.
Further event information will be posted on www.hansaclass.org. To visit the club and tourism websites, go to www.ycmeze.com and www.ville-meze.fr.