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2016 Setley Cup and Seahorse Trophy Junior Model Yacht Regatta

by Stuart Jardine, PRO 26 Dec 2016 18:47 GMT 26 December 2016

A record entry of 71 models

As predicted, it was a warm fine day with a light North Westerly wind on Setley Pond as the race team arrived to set up for the 2016 event. The main concern was selecting a possible course with the wind coming off the North shore, testing the large fleets of 44 monohulls and 27 multihulls to their limit.

It was decided that it was only possible to start on the Eastern shore. The first start was at 11.00 am with the monohulls off first, followed a few minutes later by the multihulls. 15 mono- and 10 multihulls completed three of the four raced to qualify for the trophies.

In the monohulls, many of the favourites fell by the wayside, unable to maintain directional stability whenever the wind faded. Charlie Rea with Blue Squid showed consistency with two first places and a 5th to win with 7 points from Anna Maskell with Pinksea in 2nd and Henry Nurton with Sponge 3rd.

The multihulls also struggled and like the mono's many of the favourites struggled with the conditions. Lola Mordant with Gale Rider taking 1st,2nd and 3rd place scoring 6 pts winning on count back from Flora Bunce with Splash and Fynn Gabriel with Maxicat (last year's winner) followed in third place with 8 pts.

Many thanks to all the young helms for bringing along your families, supporters, helpers and boat builders. This unique Boxing Day event was again run by Stuart Jardine, assisted by Jane Pitt-Pitts and Linda Rogerson on registration and Doug Rogerson, the results co-ordinator and photographer. The finishing teams were Chris Baldwick, John Evans, Dorinda and Brendan Nellis and David Harris. James Carter and his daughter did an expert and very busy job in working the recovery and rescue dinghy.

Many thanks also to Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club for allowing the Setley Cup to go ahead each year.

Overall Results: (top six)

Setley Cup (Monohulls)
1st Charlie Rea, Blue Squid 7pts
2nd Anna Maskell, Pinksea 9pts
3rd Henry Nurton, Sponge 10pts
4th George Mortimer, Red44, 11pts
5th Maisie Hutchinson, Shimmer 16pts
6th Saskia Kilgour, Sassie 17pts

Seahorse Trophy (Multihulls)
1st Lola Mordant, Gale Rider 6pts on count back
2nd Flora Bunce, Splash 6pts
3rd Fynn Gabriel, Maxicat 8pts
4th Dirk Rogers, Danger Cat 11pts
5th Zach Truscott, Big Apple 13pts
6th Emma Breeze, Lightning 16pts

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