Quantum Key West Race Week - Sailor Girl out of a J122 in the ORC fleet
by Nic Douglass 18 Jan 2017 10:55 GMT
15-20 January 2017
Day two for my first time at Quantum Key West Race Week, and today I was out on a J122, Second Star, sailing in the ORC fleet. What a day!
I am not sure how tomorrow could top it... But then I will have the opportunity to go sailing on a TP52!
Plenty of live action again today, and it was also great to catch up with Martha Parker in person for a one on one chat.
Quantum Key West Race Week 2017 - 26 of 30 for Martha Parker
Martha Parker has been to 26 out of the past 30 Key West Race Week's and today was also her birthday. This rocking Sailor Girl, who has done her fair share of sailing (from Olympics to America's Cup), hates to miss this event, so much so that even if she isn't racing herself, she volunteers. This week she is doing flags, and signals, and blogging for Division 2 - just incredible!
Hope you enjoy our chat, or check out all of the action from Quantum Key West Race Week at my blog.
For more information on Quantum Key West Race Week visit www.keywestraceweek.com.