Record breakers to feature on Bossoms Boatyard stand at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2017
by Emma Slater, RYA 27 Jan 2017 18:09 GMT
4-5 March 2016

Guinness World Record holders Phil Slade and Mark Belamarich MBE and their record-breaking Bosun dinghy 'Sixteen' © Phil Slade & Mark Belamarich
Throughout the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show (4-5 March, Alexandra Palace, London) pay a visit to Bossoms Boatyard who will be welcoming special guests Phil Slade and Mark Belamarich MBE and their record-breaking Bosun dinghy "SIXTEEN" to the stand (C7).
In 2016, Phil Slade and Mark Belamarich sailed "SIXTEEN", which is a standard and well-used Royal Marines training boat, non-stop from Plymouth to Portsmouth (via Sept-Iles in France). Their spectacular voyage of 309.25 nautical miles was recognised by Guinness World Records as the longest distance ever sailed in a double handed dinghy.
In 2017 they will try to break their own record by sailing SIXTEEN over 500 nautical miles of open sea from Plymouth to Faslane in Scotland, 01 – 22 May. The boat will then be seventeen! Join them on the stand to find out more about their record breaking voyage and their next great adventure and the boat that will be helping them raise awareness of dinghy sailing as a sport, especially within the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and also to raise awareness and funds for the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity and Bowel Cancer UK.
"We are really looking forward to a brilliant weekend with likeminded people at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show, particularly the opportunity to tell the sailing community in person what we are doing and why, and to answer the questions they will have. We also want to showcase our Bosun dinghy "Sixteen" and give her the recognition that she and Bosun dinghies generally deserve.
"We are of course raising money for Bowel Cancer UK and the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, so to spread the word and raise money for these worthy charities is very important to us. We are going to make an attempt at our own non-stop World Record which we have set at 309.25nm, we're going to extend it by another 200nm, so it's well worth coming over to the Bossoms Boatyard stand and seeing what we're all about!", commented Phil and Mark.
Bossoms Boatyard built Bosun SIXTEEN (No.2358) for the Royal Navy back in 2000 and are very proud that Phil and Mark chose her for such stern tests of seakeeping quality and endurance. The Bosun dinghy was designed by Ian Proctor in conjunction with Bossoms specifically to meet the Navy's training need for a durable, seaworthy and user-friendly boat. Bossoms build, restore and supply all spares for Bosuns.
Julian Pierce, Bossom's Boatyard director commented: "Most of our work these days is high quality restoration of classic river craft, but we built "Sixteen" and hundreds of other Bosun dinghies for the MoD, and we continue to build and supply Bosuns and all the parts for them to the MoD, and to corporate and private users as well.
"Everyone knows they are outstandingly tough, comfortable and seaworthy, but I have to say Phil's and Mark's exploits really push the envelope - and maybe even point the way to a future for Bosuns not just as amazing training craft, but also as cruising boats – we'll be using the Show to take some soundings on possible cruising modifications from visitors to our stand, we know there are literally thousands of sailors who learnt in them and would love to have another go!"
Support Phil and Mark's 2017 record breaking attempt, 'Bosum 500 Challenge' at
Beat the queues and get your tickets
Advance tickets are available at a special discount rate of £10.00 for RYA members and £12:50 for non-members. RYA affiliated clubs can also take advantage of a special ticket price of £10 when booking ten tickets or more. Don't forget two children go free with each paying adult as well.
To find out what's in store at this years' show and to buy your tickets visit or by calling the ticket hotline on 0844 858 9069.
Keep up to date with all the latest RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show news and information by visiting the website and following us on Facebook and Twitter #dinghyshow
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