Ripon Sailing Club starts the season in style with annual dinner and prize giving
by Jennie Clark 30 Jan 2017 17:27 GMT
28 January 2017
The 2017 season at Ripon Sailing Club got underway in fine style with the annual dinner and prize giving held at the club on Saturday 28 January and the Annual General Meeting taking place the next day. This is the club's 60th anniversary year and there are plenty of plans afoot to make sure that this is celebrated in style!
The prize giving dinner gave the club a chance to showcase its many talented members, young and old, who had competed in trophy and series races during 2017. Some won armfuls and will need to clearing space on shelves at home, others may have achieved less in terms of volume but nevertheless a huge number of engraved 'keeper glasses' and silver trophies were handed out by Commodore Bernard Clark and Trophy Co-ordinator Chris Wright.
The Bellwood Trophy, which is awarded to a member or members who have given significant service to the club, either over a long period or on a particular project, was awarded to Judith Hart for her work in managing the administration of the training establishment for many years. Steve Jackson was awarded the Trier's Trophy – new to sailing in 2016, Steve has nevertheless bought a boat and is a regular on the water as he gets to grip with the skills need for effective racing.
With the prize giving over, members sat down to a sumptuous meal courtesy of club caterers Advent Catering and then danced the rest of the night away to a Ceilidh. An excellent night which was much enjoyed by those who attended.
The AGM on Sunday saw the club cover off some rule changes and discuss the racing format for 2017, which will incorporate a number of suggestions made by members at the 2016 Sailing Forum. A new committee were elected and will take the club forward through the 2017 celebrations.