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2017 Heaven Can Wait Charity Regatta - Preview

by Melvyn Steiner 4 Feb 2017 18:03 GMT 18-19 February 2017

Time waits for nobody and particularly entrants in the 2017 and 11th, Heaven Can Wait Charity Sailing Regatta. Do you have your entry in yet? Are you up for a One Lap Dash around the length and breadth of Lake Macquarie – a 31NM course, or the Challenge of the 12 Hour or the Endurance 24 Hour race around the cans? These are not 'set and forget' races – there are a lot sail changes, little or no sleep and your crew will be exhausted when they finish. So, put them – and yourself, to the test. You will want to come back having done it once.

Another feature of the Heaven Can Wait Charity Sailing Regatta, is the Charity Dinner – Friday February 17 at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Toronto. We have some amazing guests lined up to entertain you – Liesl Tesch (Paralympic Gold Medallist), Tom Burton (Laser Olympic Gold Medallist) and Tom Addis (Navigator of Hobart Race Winner – and now record holder, Perpetual Loyal). All of our guests will be interviewed by well known ABC Newcastle sports commentator Helene O'Neil. So, book your tickets now by emailing or call Jan Richardson on 0419 902 466. Tickets are $55.00 each and must be paid for at time of booking - Credit cards are accepted (Visa and Mastercard).

So, what are you waiting for, get your entry in now – go to or and follow the Heaven Can Wait Entry link. All entrants get a free shirt when they register, but shirts have a lead time and a limited supply – your size may not be available if you leave your entry to the last minute. Best to get it in now if you want the best chance of getting the size you want.

The most economic way to enter the Heaven Can Wait Charity Sailing Regatta, is to take up the fundraising challenge through Everydayhero, and help raise money for this great cause – the Hunter Branch of Cancer Council NSW and more specifically, their Home Help Program that assists recovering and terminal cancer patients who are unable to fulfil their domestic duties because of their condition. By raising funds this way, you can reduce the cost of your regatta entry fee, so get your entry in now, take up the Fund Raising Challenge and be a candidate to win the Fund Raisers Trophy.

As mentioned in my last countdown notice, The Heaven Can Wait 2017 Notice Of Race has been revised (Revision 8, 23 Jan, 2017) to allow Off The Beach boats with a yardstick rating of 97.5 (505 Class) or lower, to compete in the Long One Lap Dash, provided they have their own Chase Boat. This should please a number of past -and potential new participants, wanting to take on the challenge of a full lap race around Lake Macquarie.

Sailing Instructions will be available 1 week before the event. There will be a pre race briefing at the RMYC Toronto for the Long One Lap Dash, 12 and 24 hour Races and a BBQ breakfast will be available from about 0730. A further race briefing will be at the Toronto Amateur Sailing Club at 1200 for the Dinghy Dash and Short One Lap Dash events.