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Feb-Nov23 Leaderboard Revolve2

IOM Northern District Winter Series at Rotherham Model Yacht Club

by Peter Cogill 22 Feb 2017 19:01 GMT 19 February 2017
IOM MYA Northern District Winter Series at Rotherham © Roy Randell

Twenty IOMs with sixteen visitors from both sides of the Pennines and from the Northern & Midland Districts entered the Rotherham leg of the Northern District Winter Series at Harthill Reservoir on Sunday.

The wind was a light onshore westerly which gave the David Thomas, the OOD challenges for setting the start and everybody on the windward leg and mark, with the bends and shifts producing some interesting sailing.

The first two races were sailed without any incidents and the first few boats round the windward mark - John Sharman (Arrival, Keighley), Dave Burke sailing his new Brit Pop (Lincoln), Chris Elliott (Brit Pop, Lincoln), Derek Priestley (Intransition, Fleetwood), Peter Cogill (V9, Rotherham) and Jenny Hand (Brit Pop, Lincoln) fighting for position. John Sharman won the first race from Dave Burke and Dave won the second from Chris Elliott.

In the third race we had a new start line and windward mark which was further from the bank; the wind shifts near the mark combined with the extra distance challenged the observers and many sailors' eye site producing a number of incidents at the mark, and some of the leading boats lost many places while the later arrivals gained. Mick Chamberlain (V9, Lincoln) won from Dave Burke.

An intermediate windward mark was set for the rest of the day and by the fourth race Craig Raistrick (MX16, Rotherham) was finding his form and finished third behind Dave Burke and Derek Priestley.

Racing throughout the fleet was close and any mistakes proved costly. As usual those that made good starts and rounded the first mark without incident got good results.

In race 5 Geoff Farrar (V9, Rotherham) had a good race, finishing third behind Dave Burke and Chris Elliott; Mick Chamberlain had winch problems which put him out until after lunch.

In race 7 Craig Raistrick won from Chris Elliott and Derek Priestley, with Emilio Gonzalez (Brit Pop, Birkenhead), fourth. In race 8 Derek Priestley won from Dave Burke and Chris Elliott with John Bush (Rage, Doncaster) fourth.

Following the break for Rotherham's well-known pie& peas and apple crumble, the sailors returned to the fray in a slightly lighter breeze. In race 9 Dave Burke's, the in-form sailor, boat became entangled before the start, and he was always playing catch-up; Chris Elliott won from Emilio Gonzalez and Craig Raistrick.

Craig won the race 10 from Dave and Emilio, with Mick Chamberlain in fourth. Dave again won Race 11 from Geoff Farrar and Craig with Dave Darwell (Departure, Doncaster) fourth. Race 12 had Dave first again from Derek and Dave Darwell.

Race 13 saw a change on the final legs with Craig winning from Mick Chamberlain and Dave Alston (V9, Leicester). Derek Priestley won race 14 from Dave Burke and John Sharman. In the next race Sam Gill (Cheinz, Rotherham) got a flier and lead the fleet for most of the race, and finished third behind Dave Burke and Craig Raistrick. Craig won the penultimate race from Dave and Emilio. Dave Burke won the final (17th) race from Emilio and Derek.

Dave Burke won the event (20 points), from Craig Raistrick (49) only 1 point ahead of Derek Priestley.

Racing was always close and the fleet was rarely spread-out with everyone enjoying the day; most sailors took their penalties but some were not as law-abiding as others, as was noted by Derek Priestley (MYA President) at the prize-giving.

Thanks to OOD David Thomas and his observers and Jacky Quinn and team in the Galley.

Overall Results:

PosSkipperSail NoClubHullPts
1Dave Burke30LincolnBrit Pop20
2Craig Raistrick62RotherhamMX1648
3Derek Priestley67FleetwoodIntransition49
4Chris Elliott74LincolnBrit Pop55
5Emilio Gonzalez125BirkenheadBrit Pop89
6John Sharman61KeighleyArrival96
7Geoff Farrar65RotherhamV9107
8Mick Chamberlain46LincolnV9108
9Dave Alston11LeicesterV9114

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