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Volvo October Series at Galway Bay Sailing Club - Day 4

by Dave Vinnell 25 Oct 2005 16:38 BST
Running repairs on race 5 winner 'Peugeot Motorcycles' during the Volvo October Series at Galway Bay © Dave Vinnell

Smyth finally puts the fleet to bed!

Day 4 of the Volvo October series at Galway Bay sailing club saw two excellent races being run in near perfect conditions. 13 boats hit the start line for races 5 and 6 of this exciting series, which has proved extremely popular with all competitors with its short two race per day formula.

Race 5 saw Race officer Dave Vinnell set an excellent triangular course. Current league leaders Peugeot Motoc ycles suffered from a bad start, which saw the larger boats take an early lead. "Now What" sailed by the Heskin and Grealish families was first around the windward mark followed by Tommy Smyth's "Catalpa" and "That's Life!" . After working their way through the larger boats in the fleet and an exciting mark rounding in close proximity to "That's Life" Peugeot Motocycles ended up second on the water to Brendan McInerny's JS 9000 followed very closely by "Catalpa" and "Quelle Surprise".

General mayhem was to be seen at the start line of race 6 and after one general recall the fleet eventually got cleanly away except for "Peugeot Motocycles" and "That's Life!" who's rigs became temporarily entagled after a very close encounter at the back of the committee boat. Brendan Mac Inerney's JS 9000 under Dan the Kiwi's command also nearly impaled the committee boat in a bout of over enthusiasm.

"Catalpa" got off to an excellent clean start however and established a useful lead early on in the race. Despite "Peugeot" and "That's life!" efforts, excellent crew work and mark roundings saw "Catalpa" achieve an excellent 1st place by a large margin. A first and a sec ond on day 4 sees a change in the leader board with "Catalpa" displacing "That's Life!" from second place.

Next Sunday sees the final instalment in this exciting series and full results can be found on

Results after Day 4:

PosFleetBoat NameRating02-Oct09-Oct16-Oct16-Oct23-Oct23-OctPts
11ECHOPeugeot MotorCycle1.088-6121329
22ECHOSilver Foam0.885235-64519
31ECHOQuelle Surprise1.013546-82623
42ECHOWhite Dolphin0.827(15.0 DNF)21313.0 DNF928
61ECHOThats Life1.02446(13.0 DNF)96429
71ECHOJoie de Vie1.032(DNC)DNC921130
111ECHONow What1.112(DNC)DNC10751251
121ECHOIbariki1.013811.0 DNF(DNC)DNC101157
132ECHOSiamsa0.941211.0 RAF1112(DNC)DNC63
161ECHOGolden Eagle0.94415.0 DNF(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC83
11IRCPeugeot MotorCycle1.028-7111126
31IRCThats Life1.02414(13.0 DNF)44316
41IRCQuelle Surprise0.962324-83517
52IRCSilver Foam0.892257-128830
82IRCWhite Dolphin0.84(14.0 DNF)33713.0 DNF1137
91IRCJoie de Vie1.033(DNC)DNC935437
111IRCNow What1.052(DNC)DNC10561249
122IRCSiamsa0.894911.0 RAF116(DNC)DNC53
131IRCIbariki0.9661111.0 DNF(DNC)DNC10957

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