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Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week - Overall

by Fiona Brown 13 Aug 2017 20:58 BST 5-12 August 2017

Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week 2017 went out in style with a final race in perfect conditions, a sunset prize giving and a blow out last night party.

One terrific final race in near perfect conditions brought the racing at Brightlingsea Sailing Club's Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week 2017 to a conclusion. In total 145 boats raced in the regatta with competitors from as far afield as Hong Kong taking part. Pyefleet Week is a truly traditional family regatta and this year's was a classic edition with a record breaking number of under 12s sailing throughout the week.

With the racing completed the competitors, families and friends came together on the beach for a spectacular sunset prize giving where Commodore Fiona Brown paid tribute to the team who organise the week, led by Regatta Chairman David Gibbons, and to everyone who had volunteered to help out during the week. "Once again Brightlingsea Sailing Club has lived up to its reputation for being one of the friendliest and most welcoming clubs in the country and for being a volunteer club run by the members for the members. I think it's safe to say that just about every single person here this week has helped in some way, from moving chairs and tables or doing a shift in the galley to manning a rescue boat, taking photos or being part of the race committee, you have all played your parts and the regatta is all the richer for it. Thank you all!"

The Commodore also took the opportunity to thank the event's sponsors who help make the regatta possible; Official Suppliers Curtis Signs and The Press Gang. Supporting Sponsors Little Green Storage and CRC. Day Sponsors Gold Sails, Brightlingsea Harbour Commission, CB Rigging, AOC, Just Trays, Deltech UK and Brightlingsea Boat Park & Ride. And finally Title Sponsor Learning & Skills Solutions who were represented at the Prize Giving by Director of Training Adrian Bouckley and Chief Executive Sue Bouckley who came forward to present the prizes.

The first prize presentations were special participation medals which are awarded to every competitor aged 12 or under. This year has seen a record entry of young sailors and it was wonderful to watch them all proudly receive their medals and have their photos taken.

Then came the main prizes with each of the prize winners receiving a spectacular individually hand painted trophy platter created by local artist Olivia Goddard. First up was the Brightlingsea One Design Fleet where winners Clive Goodwin, Graham Sanderson and Mark Schofield sailing C4 Cormorant took home an armful of silverware as well as their keeper platters. The winner of the Slow Handicap Salver was Brian Allen sailing an RS Aero 7. The Fast Handicap Shield and the Victory Trophy for the first Merlin Rocket went to Andy and Sarah Bines and the Slow Handicap A prizes went to Blake and Brett Tudor sailing an RS Feva XL.

The Teliga Trophy for the Asymmetric Fast Handicap was won by Ben Clegg sailing a Musto Skiff and the Whimbrel Cup for the first Catamaran went to the F18 of Nick Barnes and Neil Baldry. The Jamie Green Memorial Trophy for the first Laser was won by Steve Williams with the Biffo Bucket for the Laser Handicap being presented to Alex Clarke sailing a Laser Radial. The RS700 Class was won by Peter Purkiss.

The hugely competitive Cadet Handicap Class was won by Amelie Hiscocks sailing an Optimist and the prize for the first RS Tera went to Harry McTiernan sailing an RS Tera Sport. Father and son Stuart and Tom Phillips claimed victory in the Parent & Child class, and after seven days of incredibly tough competition the winner of the Mirror Class and the Tui Trophy was declared to be Melissa Heppell sailing with son Louis.

With the racing prizes out of the way the special achievement trophies were presented. The Pyefleet Shield for the highest placed cadet helm from the committee boat was won by Blake Tudor. The Gillian Wagg Salver for the highest placed lady helm went to Melissa Heppell, the Pyefleet Pin for the most bruised competitor was won by Imogen Hare, the Pyefleet Stir for the most improved helm went to Toby Pearson in his RS Tera Sport.

The Andrew Cruickshank Memorial Cup for the Youngest Crew completing at least three races from the committee boat was won by three year old Josie Heppell, who also won the Courage Tankard for the youngest sailor to complete at least three races in the entire regatta. The Courage Tankard for the oldest helm went to Malcolm Goodwin who raced the week with his granddaughter Kaya Nawrot in the Mirror fleet and also put in a one day guest appearance on his BOD Cormorant which son Clive helmed to victory.

With the prize giving over the Steve Linton Band struck up and everyone danced the night away and saw out Learning & Skills Solutions 2017 is true style.

Pyefleet Week 2018 will take place from 28 July to 4 August. Further information and full results are available from

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