RS Aero Over Deck Rigging
by Steve Cockerill, Rooster Sailing 17 Aug 2017 16:23 BST
17 August 2017

Tangled Control Lines © Steve Greenwood
During the recent RS Aero World Championships it became apparent that if I wanted to release the controls downwind efficiently that I would need to change the control lines to over deck take up style. The old style tended to get a little tangled downwind.
I was inspired by Steve Norbury's version that I had seen at the Aero Southern Championships which I knew was class legal. Obviously I have put some of my splicing experience into the kit to fasten the two Ronstan Shock Blocks in place and used Rooster's EasySplice™ Continuous Control Line as its just so easy! I used the Ronstan Shock Blocks as they can be colour co-ordinated and are very light – which I guess is nice as the boat is so nice and light. I also used Selden 30mm Loop Top Blocks for the take-ups. They are also light and more than man enough for the job.
Rooster have produced a kit with most of the splicing done, all you will have to do is 'cow splice' the Ronstan Shock Blocks onto a pre made double loop 180mm line under the deck. But if you are feeling brave, take a look at the related Rooster Videos on Splicing (Reverse Brummell Hitch, Spectwelve and Rooster EasySplice™ Continuous Control Line). We suggest you use 2mm Spectwelve (an SK78 12 braided Dynema) for the take up tidies, and Rooster 4mm Spectwelve (an SK78 12 braided Dynema) for the traveller. You will also notice that I have adopted the Rooster colours which have been used extensively in singlehanded sailing with blue for downhaul/ cunningham, grey for outhaul and red for kicker or vang. Feel free to take the parts and ropes in the colours you are used to.
I used 5m of EasySplice™ for the outhaul system, although I did not have much line to spare so perhaps it's worth taking 6m and losing a bit. For the downhaul I used 8m of EasySplice™, plus 1m of 2mm Spectwelve for the two side deck tidy's and 1m of 4mm Spectwelve for the traveller.
I like my tools so I tend to try and use them all. But if you are keen to do the whole thing yourself then you will need:
If you purchase the kit, then you will only need the EasySplice™ Needle Fid, twine and needle, although I am sure you would still find the Serrated Scissors useful.
RS Sailing is the most forward looking company I have ever been close to. I understand that they will be stocking these 'Rooster' upgrade kits in due course. I think it will make a significant difference to your Aero sailing enjoyment – if it could get any better!