Horning Sailing Club Junior Regatta
by Holly Hancock 11 Sep 2017 07:25 BST
9 September 2017
Horning Sailing Club celebrated the end of their Training season in style on Saturday with a Junior Regatta on the River Bure, and almost 50 young people taking part in the day's activities.
Split into four ability groups, beginners, improvers, intermediates and racers, sailing began with bright sunshine and a pleasant south-westerly breeze. With a packed schedule planned of four races for each fleet, a BBQ for lunch and buffet after racing, everyone was looking forward to a great day's sailing and an opportunity to put into practice all the skills learnt during the year.
First away was the 6 strong race fleet, with several Lasers, Splashes and an Enterprise taking part. Taking an early win was Edward Wildman sailing his Laser, followed by Pippa Edwards in her Splash and the Enterprise of Jack Copping and Thomas Wildman third, who, after four races would eventually finish overall in these positions.
Next away were the improvers, mostly in their second year of sailing, with eleven young sailors taking part in Optimist dinghies, RS Teras and a Topper 4.2. Lewis Ball sailing an RS Tera sailed consistently, winning the first three races to win the fleet overall, whilst Toby Smith - sailing a Topper for the first time - won the last race. A second place and two thirds was sufficient for Lois Mander sailing an Optimist to be second overall, whilst William Gregson, also sailing an Optimist was third overall.
Third fleet to race were the intermediates, sailing Toppers and Teras. This was also the largest fleet of the day with 17 sailors taking part, encompassing a variety of experience from first time racers to those with a little more experience. First overall was Charley White with a first and second, with Louis Parkerson second and Henry Drake third, all sailing Toppers. Other notable performances came from Ashley Williams with a win in his Topper, and Hamish Harmer winning the final race in a Tera. After nervously watching all the other racers get away, last to go were the beginners, with a mixture of nerves and excitement amongst the first-time racers. With 13 sailors taking part, competition was intense but good natured, with Anya Gittens first overall after putting in a strong performance to receive a first and two seconds, with Jack Whyatt second overall, and Milly Broadbent third, all sailing Optimists.
With news of a storm on its way from Norwich, and the skies darkening very quickly, the decision was taken to put an early end to racing, meaning that the final race for intermediates and beginners did not go ahead, along with the proposed instructors' race in Optimists, but everyone had enjoyed a good day's sailing. On the conclusion of racing there was a presentation of the certificates received during the year, as well as the day's trophies. The Endeavour Trophy for effort during the Regatta went to Toby Smith in the Improvers fleet for sailing a Topper 4.2 for the first time, and completing all the races (even winning one), despite numerous capsizes!