The 1851 Trust: A Growing Impact
by 1851 Trust 4 Oct 2017 15:21 BST
4 October 2017

The 1851 Trust impact 2016/17 © The 1851 Trust
The 1851 Trust aims to inspire and engage young people to better futures by providing the education and opportunities for them to become innovators of the future and stewards of the environment.
Since the Trust launched in 2014, we have refined and developed our programmes based on feedback from pupils, stakeholders and educators. We are now proud to provide an impressive range of activities to inspire young people including our three flagship initiatives: BT STEM Crew, the online resource for teachers; hosted school visits to the TECH DECK & Education Centre at Land Rover BAR, and our national multi-activity Roadshow.
We have made significant progress towards achieving our aims over the past academic year; our programmes have engaged with nearly 40,000 pupils and we've built relationships with 663 schools from across the UK. We are pleased with the feedback from teachers and young people on the positive impact that our programmes have on engagement with STEM subjects, enthusiasm for new career opportunities and aspirations for the future.
Download the Trust's 2016/7 Annual Review here to find out more.