Sail Aid UK campaign gathers momentum!
by Peta Stuart-Hunt 13 Oct 2017 10:28 BST
13 October 2017
TV personality and keen amateur sailor Nick Knowles, lends his support to Sail Aid UK © Sail Aid UK
Sail Aid UK, set up in September in the immediate aftermath of Hurricanes Irma, Jose and Maria wreaking violent havoc across so much of the Caribbean, reports that its first major fundraising platform, the Black Tie/Loud Shirt Dinner at Land Rover BAR's Flight Deck in Portsmouth on 11th November, was virtually sold out within days of announcing it, however there are still a limited number of tickets available. Booking enquiries to: .
In addition to take-up for the gala dinner and some incredible online and live auction prizes being sourced, there has been fantastic personal support for from the pro-sailing community for the Sail Aid UK cause including Sir Ben and Lady Georgie Ainslie, Ian Walker, Shirley Robertson OBE, Helena Lucas MBE, Hannah Mills MBE, Sam Davies, Dee Caffari, Brian Thompson, Alex Thomson, Andy Beadsworth and many others.
Funds raised from the dinner, organised and hosted by Sail Aid UK, are anticipated to be in the region of £100,000. The evening is kindly being supported by Land Rover BAR, Ophir Gin and Westerhall Rums. The MC is broadcaster and sailor Hannah White who has generously given her time and the organisers are also indebted to Nick Bonham who is also kindly contributing his superlative auctioneering skills to up the anti in the room and raise as much as possible.
In tandem with a new Sail Aid logo designed by Hannah Webster there is now a purpose-built website at, courtesy of Jeremy Pocock, Sailing Club Manager, which includes the all-important 'Action Stations' fund channel. Click to donate.