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Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD

Buzz Nationals at Island Cruising Club Overall

by James Dickinson 31 Aug 2000 17:41 BST

The 2000 Buzz National Championship was hosted by the Island Cruising Club at Salcombe from 26th -29th August, and was generously sponsored by 'Xtremity'.

The Championship commenced with two races on the first day, held in force 3-4 winds with race officer Ken Falcon setting a windward-leeward course in the bay outside Salcombe harbour. The first race went to 'Team Lombard', Phil Elford & Neil Arnott, who narrowly pipped the youth/'teeny-bopper' pairing of Matt Greenfield & Lizzie Lyle in 'Rob Burridge Race Coaching'. An accidentdental collision between Greenfield & Lyle and Bonnie Moody & James Dickinson in 1025 just prior to the start saw a bowsprit shaped crack placed in the side of Moody's boat, but, unfazed, Moody & Dickinson led around the windward mark and went on to win comfortably. Disaster struck again for them though on the sail in, as their new mainsail ripped.

Day two saw slightly stronger winds and a larger swell which tested the crews throughout the 32 strong fleet, as did an influential spring tide. Moody & Dickinson continued where they had left off with another win, and it was the experienced pairing of Andy Curtis & Kate Highstead in 835 who showed their class to win race four with ease. Greenfield & Lyle added to the second they had taken in that race, by passing Moody & Dickinson on the final downwind leg of the day's final race, race five, to win by four seconds.

Day three and the wind varied from force 2-4. Moody & Dickinson blasted off the startline and opened up and unassailable lead over the chasing pack headed by Peter and Neil McLaren in 450, whose consistency was now making them a force to contend with. Greenfield & Lyle put their capsize in that race behind them to win race seven with McLaren second once again. The title of 'Team Consistent' was firmly with 'Team Lombard' though, who by this stage had only finished out of the top three once. For the final race of the day, 'Team Lombard' demonstrated their winning capability too, by overhauling Moody & Dickinson who had shot away after a heart-stopping port end flyer. Greenfield & Lyle did well to recover from a shocking start to third place. Although the competitors did not know it at the time, this was to prove the last race of the championship as the final day failed to provide enough breeze to make racing feasible. 'Team Lombard's impressive consistency thus gave them the national title with 'Rob Burridge Race Coaching' close behind and 1025 in third, handicapped by two poor results.

Overall Results:

1  946 Team Lombard          Phil Elford & Neil Arnott      Newhaven & Seaford SC
2 1002 Rob Burridge Coaching Matt Greenfield & Lizzie Lyle  Weirwood) 
3 1025                       Bonnie Moody & James Dickinson Portsmouth/Oxford Uni.
4  450                       Peter McLaren & Neil McLaren   Chew Valley Lake SC
5  950                       Dave Pike & Robert Pike        Eastbourne Sovereign SC
6  835                       Andy Curtis & Kate Highstead   Milton Keynes SC

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