Osprey attractions abound at the RYA Dinghy Show
by Emma Slater / RYA 17 Feb 2018 12:22 GMT
3-4 March 2018

Sappho © Mike Millard /
You can have a flock of seagulls, but can you have a flock of Ospreys? Whatever the answer, there will be a flock of Osprey attractions at this year's RYA Dinghy Show (03-04 March, Alexandra Palace, London).
Pride of place goes to the vintage Osprey, sail number 73, which is part of the Ian Proctor Centenary show in the West corridor central display. 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ian Proctor, designer of many boats like the Osprey and the man behind Proctor Masts, now known as Selden. Osprey 73 'Sappho' was lovingly restored by its owners Ros and David Downs, and is in such good shape that it competed with distinction in last year's Osprey Nationals. Well worth seeing alongside early examples of other Proctor designs.
In 2005 the Osprey class received a modern makeover courtesy of new builders Hartley Boats and Phil Morrison. Come and see an example of this type on the Osprey Class Association stand, at A4 in the Great Hall. Find out all about this popular racing class at the stand. Check out this year's fixture list, and our amazing programme of free coaching.
Not content with one makeover, in 2016 Hartley Boats undertook a second redesign, developing the sleek new epoxy Mark V Osprey. This Mark boasts a modern look to match the Osprey's formidable performance, which thanks to Ian Proctor's farsighted design is more than the equal of younger classes. The Mark V will be on display on the Hartley Boats stand, C50 in the Great Hall.
Talking of formidable performance, why not come to the Class Association stage in the Great Hall? The prize giving for the GJW Sail Juice Series will be held at 10.30 on the Saturday on the Classes stage. Some Ospreys could be among the prize winners.
Don't know much about Ospreys? Come to our introductory talk, at 2pm Saturday on the Class Association stage in the Great Hall. Learn all about Ospreys, and what is so good about sailing them, in the company of Ben Hawkes, Osprey under 21 double champion.
Osprey Class Association Chairman Peter Frith comments: "With three Ospreys of all types and ages on display, the 2018 RYA Dinghy Show offers visitors a fantastic opportunity to find out all about this keen racing class. Come and see both our vintage and new examples. And remember, uniquely in the Osprey class old and new boats compete evenly. Often the Nationals title goes to a boat of over 20 years old. So it's no wonder that over the winter people have been flocking to snap up older, well priced examples. We're proud to welcome all new faces to the class, whether they come with restored older Ospreys, or with super-duper brand new boats."
For more information about the class visit ospreysailing.org/cms2 or the Osprey Facebook page @ospreysailing.