Entry fee discount ends soon for ORC Sportboat European Championship
by ORC Media 17 Mar 2018 10:15 GMT
29 May - 3 June 2018
The ORC Sportboat Europeans is set for Portopiccolo, Italy © ORC Media
Warning: the offer below has now expired!
Following on the success of last year's ORC Worlds Trieste 2017, the Upper Adriatic and Gulf of Trieste are once again the site of another important event in the ORC calendar: the ORC Sportboat European Championship 2018.
Held over 29 May - 3 June, this is one of the three most important championship regattas on the 2018 ORC calendar of events, and is open for entry to boats from any country ranging in length from 6.00 - 9.15 meters and meeting other criteria for defining an ORC Sportboat.
The venue for this regatta will be Portopiccolo, Italy, an exclusive marina resort that has its own innovations in design and technology with its avant-garde architecture and structures surrounded by the sea cliffs of Sistiana, similar to the Sportboat entries competing at this event. Organizers are expecting a strong turnout of boats and teams that will be divided into three divisions based on boat types for a series of races that vary from a coastal race to several buoy races held in the Gulf of Trieste.
The event will be organized by Yacht Club Portopiccolo, based at the resort, and by the Diporto Nautico Sistiana, one of the most active marine sports organizations in the Upper Adriatic. The event is now open for entries to be made online at the event website. The schedule of events includes two days of measurement and inspection from Tuesday to Wednesday, 29-30 May, with seven races scheduled (including a coastal race) between Thursday 31 May and Sunday 3 June.
Entries are limited to be no more that 30 from one country in each division, and a 30% discount on the entry fee will apply if received by 31 March... more information can be found on the Notice of Race available on the event website.
Besides the entry fee, other discounts are available for housing and logistics and can be found on the event website. Also posted is information on chartering a J/70 class boat from Legavela Servizi for use in the event - those interested are asked to act quickly, there are a very limited quantity of these available.
"We are proud as a Club to bring to Trieste and to Portopiccolo an event of this caliber," said Giorgio Martin, Sporting Director of Yacht Club Portopiccolo. "This will be a prestigious regatta that will allow participants to not only better know this corner of the Adriatic, but also the facilities and hospitality of our Club and Portopiccolo marina complex. For this event we have been working for many months, thanks to the endorsement of the ORC, the Italian Sailing Federation and World Sailing, who have placed their trust in our new club that with this event aims to grow further in international sailing by offering a high-quality experience for all our participants and sponsors. We look forward to welcoming all to Portopiccolo."
For more information on ORC and its rules, classes and events, visit orc.org.