USA J/70 Corinthian Nationals update
by Scott Spurlin 19 Mar 2018 13:59 GMT
26-29 April 2018
2018 J/70 Midwinter Championship - Day 3 © Christopher Howell
The second J/70 Corinthian Nationals will be hosted by Fort Worth Boat Club from April 26th to 29th on Eagle Mountain Lake in Fort Worth, TX.
Come one, come all! It is a venue unlike you have ever seen in your life! Huge lake, lots of shifts, flat water, great sailing! But, then there is the famous Fort Worth BC hospitality, starting with their notoriously friendly bar and restaurant that overlooks the lake and "the pool" (enough said). There is no question FWBC club members know how to host a regatta and throw a party; many legendary stories abound that can only be told on the hallowed grounds of the club- just ask Glenn Darden, Reese Hillard, or John Kolius, for starters.
For those not inclined to trailer their boats to Texas, there are charter boats available for $2,000. Please be sure to contact Scott Spurlin at J/Boats Southwest- (512)-423-2179 or email .
More information here.