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British CR:X Kite Race Series at Essex Kitesurfing Club, Southend-on-Sea

by Jack Ridel 27 Jun 2018 16:46 BST 23-24 June 2018
British CR:X Kite Race Series at Southend © Paul Monti

Weekend #3 of the British CR:X Kite Racing Series at Southend-on-Sea, hosted by Essex Kitesurfing Club was a cracker!

The action started on Saturday with a fantastic forecast, 20 riders registered so a full fleet was set to race TwinTip KiteCross. High action took place with 16 races run giving every competitor a chance to race multiple times. Guys and girls were racing on the 10m and 13m kites on a simplified course with a start/finish line, jumps on the way out, gybe round a pin and jumps on the way back. The racing was fast, furious and a lot of fun.

After the break a windward/leeward course was set for Foil racing. With the high winds, choppy seas and guys racing round on 7m kites, the decision was to run a time trial race allowing the competitors to master the course in a safer fashion.

The day was rounded off with a epic BBQ and party hosted by Essex Kite Park who pulled out all the stops to make the visitors from across the country very welcome.

"Watching everyone race KiteCross was so much fun, the action was intense and very close. What we have shown today is how together we can race in an easy format that is open to everyone. We want to welcome more kiters, sailors, windsurfers and aspiring Olympic racers into the class and will be looking to run training over the coming months. A massive thank you to Essex Kitesurfing Club and Essex Kite Park for being such good hosts." Jack Ridel – Chairman British CR:X Class Association

With unfavourable tide conditions for further Foil racing and a complete set of TT KiteCross results, the decision by the committee and riders was to forgo any additional racing on the Sunday to allow competitors to free ride or travel home. Many headed to Hayling Island to ride together and further master their Foil skills.

Huge thanks go to Essex Kitesurfing Club for helping organise the event and series sponsors, Restube, NP Surf, OneDesign Racing UK and NeilPryde for their continued support.

"It was fantastic for our club to host a CR:X race weekend, our members thoroughly enjoyed themselves we welcome racers from across the country to Southend which always delivers the wind! By racing CR:X we can build a community of water lovers and we are already talking about how to make next year bigger and better. Thanks British CR:X for a fantastic weekend." - Simon Mudd – Chairman – Essex Kitesurfing Club

Additional thanks go to Russell Farrington for editing the video which really captures the fun and excitement of a weekend racing CR:X!

Overall Results:

TT KiteCross
1st – Russell Farrington – Bournemouth & Poole Kitesurf Club
2nd – Mark Spencer – British Army Kitesurfing
3rd – Adam Farrington – Bournemouth & Poole Kitesurf Club
4th - James Gore – Shoreham Kiters

Foil Time Trial
1st - Russell Farrington - Bournemouth & Poole Kitesurf Club
2nd - Adam Farrington - Bournemouth & Poole Kitesurf Club
3rd - James Gore - Shoreham Kiters
4th - Dean Mackintosh - Essex Kitesurfing Club

RESTUBE Award - Andrew Fawkes

Inter-Club Competition
1st - Bournemouth & Poole Kitesurf Club
2nd - British Army Kitesurfing
3rd - Shoreham Kiters
4th - Essex Kitesurfing Club

The next Race Weekend is set for September 29th/30th at Hayling Island so you had all best get practicing over the summer.