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RS Aero World Championship at the RS Games, Weymouth & Portland - Overall

by RS Aero International Class 14 Aug 2018 05:49 BST 4-10 August 2018

The final day of the 206 boat RS Aero Worlds dawned with the likelihood of 30 knot gusts. Fortunately the final two races were scheduled within the relative shelter of Portland Harbour. The stage was set for a grand finale with the whole podium up for grabs in the RS Aero 5 fleet and the silver and bronze medals still wide open in the RS Aero 7 & 9s.

RS Aero 9 - by David Partridge GBR

It was a big day for the RS Aero 9 fleet not least because of the apprehension around the conditions. Jim Hood (aka Junior of RS) summed it up well. "it's like the last day of your ski holiday and there is that huge Black run left to do - do you do it or not?".

Those of us foolhardy enough were given great advice from Madhavan Thirumalia (USA) "stay safe, kids". The reach down to the starting line caught out a few with Greg Bartlett, Flinlo and the Swedes all late. The pink flag was up first and the 9s given the chance to test the challenging chop at the leeward end of the harbour.

As a back marker I plugged along trying to make up for a lacklustre start. The fleet remained quite close until the first mark when bravery and skill in the downwind provided big gains for the winners.

Approaching the leward gate there was a lot of courtesy around which way to go, at those speeds avoiding a collision was paramount. I was forced to contemplate a quick Gybe as the boat under me headed for the left gate, I guess having no time to think about it made it easier!

The reach from the top mark will be remembered by all, a blitzing career through the upturned boats, RS Aero 7s battling upwind and froth and foam scudding off the waves. I, as many others, took a swim on the final bear away. The spray and roar from the flapping sails disorienting to the point of losing the final mark, but a reach or two revealed the final black mark, a round up and final wave bouncing reach to the finish - what a way to end a World Champs! We discussed afterward how everyone has memories of the bow slicing through feet of water and the focus needed to keep it up.

I am very much a club sailor, and would not normally venture out in winds like this in the big 9 rig but the event has been totally supportive. The camaraderie and support exemplified the Class, RS Sailing and visiting champ Marc Jacobi (who had sat the race out) helping all the RS Aero sailors back up the ramp at the end of a fantastic last day, which no one on the water will ever forget.

It was a big Black, a double diamond++. In fact it was better in every sense and choppy waves are softer than moguls and trees after all! The experience created a fantastic end point to a great week where I have learnt so much, met so many inspirational people and enjoyed the sheer exhilaration of RS Aero sailing. For the record, the instruments on the harbour wall recorded an average of 27 knots and gusts of 37 during our race slot. Thank goodness we didn't have to beat back from the bay!

Marc Jacobi had already sealed the deal leaving the battle for the silver with both Peter Barton and George Cousins assured a medal. Spotting the start line flick port biased proved key and Barton took a 40m jump on the fleet from the gun. He defended and extended through the race for Silver with George and Liam Willis chasing home. The big rig was manageable whilst treated with respect and #TeamLymo were very pleased to have had the benefit of some big wind and waves training in the western Solent the weekend before

RS Aero 7 - Peter Barton, GBR

The wind continued to increase through the start procedure. Sam Whaley had the Gold already sown up but was not about to miss out on the fun as he let rip around the course. Steve Cockerill took 2nd which was enough to clinch Bronze on a tiebreak from Craig Williamson. Jack Hopkins of Delph SC came in 4th, enough to hold his Silver.

Noah Rees took 12th to retain his Youth World Title in the RS Aero 7s after a close battle all week with Pierce Seward. Juliane Barthel of Germany went one better than her silver from last year to convincingly clinch the Ladies RS Aero 7 title.

Peter Craggs of Yorkshire blitzed the RS Aero 7 Silver fleet race, propelling himself to the front of their Series from Ben Lyons and Dan Bird, both from Lymington in 2nd and 3rd respectively.

RS Aero 5 - by Peter Barton, GBR

By the time the RS Aero 5s got away the wind was properly cranking and with the podium wide open it was all to play for. Across the top reach the RS Aero fleet looked amazing, bouncing over the wave crests at an incredible speed. The pecking order looked moderately intact however once onto the run the fleet took a shuffle with several sailors taking a tumble in the tricky waves at the leeward end of the harbour. Ultimately Ben Hutton-Penman held off his closest competitors with a 3rd to add the RS Aero 5 World Championship (and the Youth and Junior titles!) to the RS Feva World Title he secured in Florida in April. Liina Kolk of Estonia was top lady in Silver overall and last year's Champ in Carnac, Andrew Frost, took the Bonze.

With the breeze now gusting up to 37kn and the harbour strewn with white horses race officer Arky wisely called it a day with competitors returning to shore beaming having had an ample dose of conditions rarely raced in, let alone to conclude a World Championship!


With a whopping 206 RS Aeros (on only the RS Aero's 4th birthday!) alongside 170 RS Teras the WPNSA coped admirably. Having 50 international visitors was fantastic and the championship was blessed with having a steadily increasing wind through the week, providing some variety and ultimately a final climax! Having over 200 RS Aeros on one race area required a detailed course to minimise traffic and retain flexibility whilst our PRO Bob 'Arky' Wainwright stayed true to World Championship ideals without compromise, allowing any unsteady breeze to settle to ensure well orientated courses.

RS Sailing's support was fantastic from charters, equipment and servicing, to the wonderful atmosphere created by the RS Chillout Zone and main stage. As ever Rooster provided their huge support of the RS Aero Class with competitors also benefitting from their shop on site with mega sales of sun hats early on in the event and then warm kit towards the end!

Many thanks to all the sponsors whose contribution helped make the event so enjoyable and for their assistance throughout the year; RS Sailing, Rooster, Harken, Noble Marine, Volvo Cars, Selden, Zest boat works, Techniblock and Yachts & Yachting.

The third RS Aero World Championship ventures down-under, taking place from 17th-22nd December 2019 at Port Stephens, NSW, Australia - just 2 hours north of Sydney. A large charter fleet will be available. Put it in your diary now and plan a nice Christmas break in AUS afterwards!


RS Aero 9
1st Youth RS Aero 9 - Liam Willis GBR
1st Master RS Aero 9 - Jeff Davison GBR
1st Grand Master RS Aero 9 - Christer Bath SWE
Bronze - 3rd RS Aero 9 - George Cousins GBR
Silver - 2nd RS Aero 9 - Peter Barton GBR
Gold - 1st RS Aero 9 - Marc Jacobi USA

RS Aero 7
1st Lady RS Aero 7 - Juliane Barthel GER
1st Junior RS Aero 7 - Patrick Fulton GBR
1st Youth RS Aero 7 - Noah Rees GBR
1st Youth Lady RS Aero 7 - Caitlin Atkin GBR
1st Master RS Aero 7 - Stephen Cockerill GBR
1st Grand Master RS Aero 7 - Peter Stephinson AUS
1st in Silver Fleet - Peter Craggs GBR
Bronze - 3rd RS Aero 7 - Stephen Cockerill GBR
Silver - 2nd RS Aero 7 - Jack Hopkins GBR
Gold - 1st RS Aero 7 - Sam Whaley GBR

RS Aero 5
1st Lady RS Aero 5 - Liina Kolk EST
1st Junior RS Aero 5 - Ben Hutton-Penman GBR
1st Junior Lady RS Aero 5 - Caitlin Morley GBR
1st Youth RS Aero 5 - Ben Hutton-Penman GBR
1st Youth Lady RS Aero 5 - Caitlin Morley GBR
1st Master RS Aero 5 - Phillip McDonald GBR
1st Master Lady RS Aero 5 - Catherine Hemsley GBR
1st Grand Master RS Aero 5 - Maggie Dunn GBR
Bronze - 3rd RS Aero 5 - Andrew Frost GBR
Silver - 2nd RS Aero 5 - Liina Kolk EST
Gold - 1st RS Aero 5 - Ben Hutton-Penman GBR

RS Aero Family Champs
3rd - Richard & Tom Kennedy GBR
2nd - Stephen & Sarah Cockerill GBR
1st - Ben & James Hutton-Penman GBR
[Best two family combined scores at the end of Wednesday. No parents & siblings here, it is all bruvers and luvers!]

Best RS Aero Buddy - Ben Hutton-Penman GBR
[Swapping his RS Aero 5 with a tired RS Aero 7 sailor on a long windy beat home!]

Overall Results:

RS Aero 5 Fleet
1GBR2350Ben Hutton-PenmanBurnhamSC/CorinthianOtters32-1433-943145331
2EST2253Liina KolkPirita SK/ Saaremaa MS6102(DNC)2421(BFD])13536
3GBR1312Andrew FrostSutton Bingham SC-9-14851515262439
4GBR1562Toby SchofieldFelpham SC12-13-2365732331143
5GBR1844William CaigerSevenoaks School11111818(DNC)9-124246
6GBR2130Kate SargentHill Head SC73313102-18642-151363
7EST1929Sander PuppartPirita Svertpaadiklubi1126-166(DSQ)67138111181
8GBR2106Roscoe MartinOgston SC-14959-12612912512887
9GBR1107Ben PoeSutton Bingham SC10816215-247-1771161496
10GBR1108Charlie PearceDabchicks SC-33-23111871313810987104
11GBR2552Sammy Isaacs-JohnsonMaidenhead SC411-20-2411171014516710105
12GBR1927Jack HardieFrensham Pond SC-2917-3620931111810109108
13GBR2442Jonathan BaileyHunts SC5444231119-261125-2818124
14GBR1685Lucy GreenwoodOxford SC267151616-29-3121152517140
15RUS1877Vladislav IvanovskiyYC Sankt-Petersburg202819-401414151367(DSQ)6142
16GBR1581Steve StewartYorkshire Dales SC-37-373429421541617912151
17GBR1893Alastair BrownGreat Moor SC1651073612-3821181824(RET)167
18GBR1575Mark CarletonPapercourt SC-3422243013201410151916(RET)183
19GBR2416James DowrickPorthpean SC27-2927-37198222014131820188
20NED1447Floris StapelWSV Braassemermeer35-3635221818912201413(DNC)196
21GBR2435Caitlin MorleyBurnham SC242013827-301616243022(RET)200
22GBR1566Samuel BlakerBenfleet YC22-45171037192027232226(DNC)223
23GBR1457Emma McEwenRoyal Lymington YC3030-41272415212519-311916226
24GBR1099Ralph NevileFrensham Pond SC181621122632-4330252130(DNC)231
25NED2349Karlijn van den BoogaardWSV Vinkeveen-Abcoude23252526-39273518172027(DNC)243
26GBR1149Raulf BerryEmsworth SC1979-522839252840-413522252
27GBR2290Philip McDonaldHayling Island SC-362428-392534172926282021252
28GBR1819Ben MillardEmsworth SC213426-3835102822(BFD])343315258
29EST1876Silvia Johanna HaavelPirita Svertpaadiklubi-4140331420262733272417(DNC)261
30NOR1431Cathrine KarlsonRisor Seilforening46-54454322282419222314(DNC)286
31GBR1065Nic JohnsonConiston SC Roa Island32352225343334-41303331(DNC)309
32GBR2426Lucy PennantHayling Island SC17323717-51-47423235394523319
33GBR1777Catherine HemsleyFelpham SC-5449535021312315312921(DNC)323
34GBR2321Claire PowerEmsworth Slipper SC25274319303740-44392638(DNC)324
35GBR1594Julie ArcherUllswater YC44-47403117293143323523(DNC)325
36GBR2368Imogen Cage WhiteBroadstairs SC2821(DSQ)28-4735443634464319334
37GBR2061Ben TylecoteRutland SC3126182140222635(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC343
38GBR1705Kate WharmbyRoyal Lymington YC423112114136-4834434748(DNC)345
39GBR2555Giles BakerDatchet Water SC15153144(DNF)443938363847(DNC)347
40GBR1301Emily DavisGreat Moor SC263930-4238383639332742(DNC)348
41GBR1060Mike LinneyChichester YC3848-565333403023383229(RET)364
42GBR1964Alice LucyRutland SC131929484842474642-5237(DNC)371
43GBR2656Deborah DeggeBartley SC818153232(DSQ)(DNC)DNC28(RET)DNCDNC381
44GBR2100Julie WillisLymington Town SC-4944464531233737294349(DNC)384
45EST1875Olga KuvatovaPirita Svertpaadiklubi5043-523443503324373734(DNC)385
46FIN1867Kairit KoivOulun Tyovaen Pursiseura4546323645253245-494439(DNC)394
47GBR1296Maggie DunnLyme Regis SC-5238472342414647454244(DNC)415
48USA2655Melissa SolnickSebago C&SC NY-56-5848514446454050364124425
49GBR2150Jackie CravenYorkshire Dales SC4050395429(DNC)(DNC)DNC464032DNC454
50GBR2462Alessandra TydemanLymington Town SC39414935524551514151(DNC)(DNC)455
51GBR1030Nicci KilpatrickHayling Island SC-5553554746484142484536(DNC)461
52GBR1183Phoebe WillcocksAlton Water SC4842383350524950-535350(DNC)465
53GBR1071Bill OrganSouth Cerney SC515144-5649435048444940(DNC)469
54GBR1175Natasha SionLymington Town SC473342415351(DNC)535150(DNC)DNC483
55GBR2434Thomas GoodsellBrightlingsea SC-595651-575649535447484625485
56CZE1162Sylvia MrazovaAsociace Lodnich Trid RS535254555453525254(RET)(DNC)DNC541
57CZE2056Petr BrizaYC Pardubice60605958(DNC)(BFD])5449525551DNC560
58USA2603Paul GlosterSanta Barbara SSA CA4355504955(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC562
59GBR2596Michael WilliamsEly SC5757574657(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCRETDNCDNC584
60GBR1694Nicholas WillcocksAlton Water SC(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC555452DNC595
RS Aero 9 Fleet
1USA2667Marc JacobiCedar Point YC CT11111111-222(DNC)12
2GBR2549Peter BartonLymington Town SC-5-6433223111121
3GBR2672George CousinsMounts Bay SC3-5322332-633226
4GBR2551Liam WillisLymington Town SC2364-765435-10341
5GBR1888Chris LarrNorthampton SC6-10256546-1246448
6GBR2193Ben CharnleySnettisham Beach SC4-14126-23785414141084
7USA2669Madhavan ThirumalaiCedar Point YC CT99711999-12787(RET)85
8GBR2600Greg BartlettStarcross YC713147-174108878(DNC)86
9GBR2441Jeff DavisonIsland Barn RSC141281058-227-151191397
10GRE2428Ben RolfePeligoni Club107118-1811141310105(DNC)99
11GER1723Marcus WaltherDSCL Frankfurt20899(RET)13131851311(DNC)119
12GBR1298Richard WatshamRNSA / Starcross YC1611-25121022129(DNC)151311131
13GBR1011Andy WarrenAvon SC18-25-361513176221412129138
14GBR1171Ffinlo WrightIsle of Man YC-22211817111671117616(DNC)140
15GBR1331Rory CohenFrampton-on-Severn SC11-242020412181491619(DNC)143
16GBR2626Tom KennedyEmsworth Slipper SC1315-23148181516-20171812146
17GBR2527Robbie LawsonEast Lothian YC-251917181521111521(BFD])158160
18GBR2608Rory FultonBough Beech SC191813-3426141610162521(DNC)178
19GBR1052Jim FifieldKing George SC26210(BFD)(DNC)1019DNC1194DNC179
20GBR2420Daniel MartinLymington Town SC2317513141536(DNC)222025(DNC)190
21GBR2369Tom EhlerLymington Town SC1722-322512322419-3419177194
22GBR2148Gareth GriffithsIsland Barn RSC84191927302317(RET)(DNC)DNC6197
23GBR2548Jim HoodLymington Town SC2123-34-292019172119242314201
24GBR2610Ben WallisSpinnaker SC24-30302221202624131822(DNC)220
25SVK2673Andrej HolakYC Slovan Bratislava-2927162129232023242320(DNC)226
26SWE2512Christer BathRoyal Gothenburg YC1516262322(BFD)(DNC)25182626DNC241
27SWE1438Thomas SandstromSkargardsstads SS30283324-36-35212729212417254
28GBR2073Tim SewardBroadstairs SC-3231213125262728252828(DNC)270
29GBR2074Matt EvansGreat Moor SC12261530312529(DNC)23(RET)DNCDNC279
30AUS2671Simon ReffoldBalmoral SC NSW(DNC)(DNC)293216273720262233RET286
31GBR1135Phil WhiteFrampton on Severn SC31372826192438(DNC)363134(DNC)304
32GBR2188Joe BirdBlackwater SC403322282831(DNC)(DNC)282727RET308
33GBR1656David PartridgeChelmarsh SC34-3935-393239343333303115316
34GBR2186Alan BeatonNotts County SC28203116(DNC)38283137(RET)DNCDNC317
35GBR2142Tom RussellIsland Barn RSC333227272433(DNC)(DNC)273637DNC320
36GBR1231Tim BilbroughHayling Island SC3534-383338283326302935(DNC)321
37GBR1490Graham PlattHighcliffe SC3740-423833293029353330(DNC)334
38GBR1818Lester KorziliusEmsworth SC-3936-41363734353438343216337
39AUS2670Andrew GilesLake Cullulleraine YC VIC3838373535(BFD)3130323229(RET)337
40USA2668Ash BeattyMISA TX272924(DNC)30(BFD)25DNCRETDNCDNCDNC355
41GBR2223Mark FoxStokes Bay SC-4241403734373232313536(DNC)355
42GBR1485Alex Newton SouthonLymington Town SC36(DNF)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC5393
43CZE1556Tomas MatejkaAsociace Lodnich Trid RS41353940393639(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC401

PosNationSailHelmClubQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8QS ScoreF1F2F3F4Pts
RS Aero 7 Gold Fleet
1stGBR1340Sam WhaleySwanage SC-311111117-111110
2ndGBR2666Jack HopkinsDelph SC12-32213213323-421
3rdGBR2319Stephen CockerillStokes Bay SC15-81121314(BFD)62224
4thGBR2665Craig WilliamsonStaunton Harold SC232-6222215234-624
5thGBR1370Alistair GoodwinHaversham SC-6614332120(BFD)45332
6thGBR1020Richard PyeDraycote Water SC3323-744322589-1344
7thGBR1428Cameron SmithChelmarsh SC617745(DNC)5351657-1863
8thGBR2543Steve NorburyWarsash SC884-11573641778-1563
9thGBR2147John WarburtonChew Valley LSC-169647364391111-46566
10thGBR2609Richard KennedyEmsworth Slipper SC-211452164466012(BFD)6785
11thGBR2545Noah ReesCawsand Bay SC / TMSC549769-1111516-20201289
12thGBR1843Chris JenkinsBowmoor SC8681611-181176710-16101198
13thGBR2098Pierce SewardBroadstairs SC9776115-12752422-252199
14thGER1903Juliane BarthelSC Dummer2-231281075549(DNC)181227106
15thGBR1921James ClaphamRoyal Torbay YC12171051069(DNC)69-3423168116
16thGBR1930Daniel NewallStarcross YC-262111188910128913911-26122
17thEST1781Ants HaavelPirita Svertpaadiklubi74(BFD)54651344(BFD)15DNC14126
18thFRA2417Tim WoodcockCV Mullhouse71310-2921137980-19141419127
19thGBR2131Greg KellyIsle of Man YC52312514-16955(BFD)172628131
20thGBR2439Tim HireRoyal Lymington YC1311-141414116138235(BFD)139139
21stGBR1544James WittsQueen Mary SC15-231715181381096-29281516155
22ndGBR2415Jack MillerFelpham SC1059148249-2579-42123431156
23rdGBR1785James Hutton-PenmanBurnham SC / RCYC-28916991915231002513-3725163
24thGBR2325Ned StattersfieldWells-Next-The-Sea151959152817-31108141035(RET)167
25thUSA2661Hank SauragePontchartrain YC LA4131223815-17571542(DNS)DNC167
26thGBR2648Ben PowellAlton Water SC22-37131024202118128921-2210168
27thGBR2553Mark RiddingtonEmsworth Slipper SC414182324(BFD)201712017(BFD)1722176
28thGBR2572Andy HillWarsash SC1817-2421121412141083324-4220185
29thGBR2604George SunderlandOlton Mere SC14161131219-211994-44292934186
30thGBR2288Paul GardnerStokes Bay SC1011413221713-249518(BFD)3338189
31stGBR1232Tim NorrisWarsash SC148(DSQ)191527198110-41192733189
32ndAUS2662Peter StephinsonMiddle Harbour ASC NSW163617-372716104126223218-39198
33rdGBR2155Iain McGonigalEast Lothian YC2422192220822(DNC)13783621(DNC)202
34thGBR2550Chris JonesSutton Bingham SC-201961617151414101263344(DNC)204
35thGBR2320Sarah CockerillStokes Bay SC11121613-221517161003739-4530206
36thGBR2161Paul RobsonReading SC11121417183027(DNC)1292025-4835209
37thGBR2058Duncan De BoltzThorpe Bay YC191621201612-281912327-433923212
38thGBR2427Nigel RolfeLymington Town SC17-25132417201823132213431(DNC)218
39thGBR1305Ed StoreyYorkshire Dales SC2429202519(BFD)1415146(DNC)272424221
40thGBR2502Peter ChaplinBurghfield SC22262523231119-31149322619(DNC)226
41stGBR2318Karl ThorneLymington Town SC132228101412(BFD)21120383740(DNC)235
42ndGBR2101Chris HobdayGurnard SC33-4029152626810147233828(DNC)236
43rdGBR1568Caitlin AtkinWhitstable YC2310-2724202226211462435-4332237
44thGER1902Jens RoehrssenSegelverein Weser271023113210(BFD)26139-39303236237
45thGBR1672Richard BentleyFelpham SC-2925182228161811138283141(RET)238
46thNOR1274Herman BordalMoss182921-402521131614331-483629239
47thGBR2299John WilcoxEast Lothian YC(DNS)DNS22301910168158(DNF)472317245
48thUSA2657Yannick GlosterSantaBarbaraYSF/SBSC CA1272227131825-291244045-4737246
49thGBR2621Liam VassFelpham SC2518311730-32712140-43413040251
50thGBR1590Chris HattonBowmoor SC9151912-27232326127364049(DNC)252
51stGBR1211Nicholas EalesLymingtonTownSC/RLymYC332715-4213232415150304450(DNC)274
52ndGBR2472Paddy HutchingsRoyal Western YC202024-2716212520146(BFD)4638DNC283
RS Aero 7 Silver Fleet
1stGBR2581Peter CraggsYork RI SC-3826262530252020172-5211176
2ndGBR2001Ben LyonsLymington Town SC253027-3323222224173152(RET)181
3rdGBR2503Dan BirdLymington Town SC192425-34212524221601539(RET)187
4thGBR2649Kent MartinOgston SC294715269(UFD)BFD18197216(DNC)206
5thGBR1031Arthur GoldsmithHayling Island SC23212828-313129251857(BFD)174213
6thGBR2582Nick NeveRutland SC271526193417(DNC)DNC1918183(DNC)220
7thGBR2357Paul HawkinsHayling Island SC342732-3834293327216-189112238
8thGBR2224Richard PayneOxford SC3937-423142362722234-12483249
9thGER1909Jorn DomresSV Harlebucht-4242362628362932229984(DNC)250
10thUSA2663David SolnickSebago C&SC NY1728324033(BFD)3229211201216(RET)259
11thOMA2660Dirk GramkowRas al Hamra SC41-433041293428362394612(DNC)261
12thESP2392Matias GrassCMV Barcelona4231293026(DNC)3832228131714(DNC)272
13thGBR2146Nick CravenYorkshire Dales SC32383529312923(DNC)217102423(DNC)274
14thGBR2103Kingsley BrownGurnard SC38344136(DNS)263330238141415(DNC)281
15thGBR1637Lorrian WellsHighcliffe SC36183718-43393635219222730(DNC)298
16thGBR2505Neil WharmbyRoyal Lymington YC48493846(DNC)3531332806137(DNC)306
17thCZE1826Petr BryxYC Neratovice403930-443534392824537(DNS)RET308
18thUSA2658Catherine GlosterSanta Barbara SSA CA28-46432839333237240301524(DNC)309
19thGBR2429Robin CaigerBough Beech SC34-46333932374238255241920(DNC)318
20thGBR2605Mark FowlerHunts SC43-49403243302628242(BFD)1610DNC321
21stGBR2362Claire GeogheganBrightlingsea SC3030424340-443435254162625(DNC)321
22ndGBR2611Patrick FultonBough Beech SC323123514432(DNC)DNC266191131(DNC)327
23rdGBR1336Joe GallivanSpinnaker SC262420829-393727171(BFD)DNCDNCDNC330
24thGBR1400Gary FowlerHunts SC304840-504128313625411(BFD)13DNC331
25thGBR2473Paul WillisYorkshire Dales SC-504245433640303427033255(RET)333
26thGBR2659Gareth ThomasOcean CC-4544433536384039275292018(RET)342
27thGER2038Peter HauptSG Hengsteysee363647454824(DNC)DNC289171028(DNC)344
28thGBR2388Charlie GillmorePaignton SC / RDYC41333937-46384337268282329(DNC)348
29thGBR2225John McKeownLancing SC-4744363341423940275252926(DNC)355
30thGBR1582Mark RolfeBartley SC43-48444140404034282262227(DNC)357
31stCZE1816Milos BurilAsociace Lodnich Trid RS45-50454842354133289312119(DNC)360
32ndGBR2055Chris WoolleyCombs SC37394134-4542373926921(DNC)21DNC364
33rdGBR2421Paul SpeirsNotts County SC31323531253735(DNC)226(DNC)RETDNCDNC385
34thGBR2113Christopher SmithIsland Barn RSC31343736384136(DNC)253(DNC)28DNCDNC387
35thGBR2422Clive HowlandCombs SC4645393238(DNC)DNC(DNC)306343222(DNC)394
36thCZE2097Petr ProkysekOrthodocks YC-4441344237313030245(DNC)DNCDNCDNC404
37thGBR1091Penelope GillettRoyal Harwich YC49384849444342(DNC)313323133(DNC)409
38thNED1256Martijn JessurunWSV Vinkeveen-Abcoude2120313933(DNC)DNCDNC250(DNC)DNCDNCDNC409
39thCZE2664Adam BurilAsociace Lodnich Trid RS4843-4949394641383042330(DNC)DNC410
40thGBR2515Richard BarrettSpinnaker SC35325038353334(DNC)257(RET)DNCDNCDNC416
41stNED2189Mark ColeGWV de Vrijbuiter49404645(DNC)2735DNC29527(RET)DNCDNC428
42ndNED1841Rob JessurunWSV Vinkeveen-Abcoude-515049473747434131436(DNS)32DNC435
43rdGBR1120Jae JonesSpinnaker SC40333844474438(DNC)284(RET)DNCDNCDNC443
44thGBR2574Anthony JohnsonConiston SC39353420(DNS)DNCDNCDNC287(RET)DNCDNCDNC446
45thESP2433Carvajal LeonCMV Barcelona50514450494344(DNC)331(DNC)3334DNC451
46thGBR1508Robert EnglandChelmarsh SC37283348(DNS)DNCDNCDNC305(DNC)DNCDNCDNC464
47thNED2309Koen RuiterWVA Vinkeveen-Abcoude4741(DNC)DNCDNC4544DNC33635(DNS)DNCDNC477
48thGBR2270Andrew PetterLittleton SC35474735(DNC)DNCDNCDNC323(RET)DNCDNCDNC482
49thGBR1694Nicholas WillcocksAlton Water SC4635464750(DNC)DNCDNC330(DNC)DNCDNCDNC489
49thGBR2542Chris HughesWarsash SC44454846(RET)41DNCDNC330(RET)DNCDNCDNC489

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