Blackwater Sailing Club Regatta and Club Week
by Christine Brown 21 Aug 2018 07:55 BST
11-17 August 2018

Sprites rounding the mark during Blackwater Sailing Club Regatta and Club Week © Guy Hawkins
Blackwater Sailing Club has just enjoyed another great Regatta and Club week. Saturday brought light winds for the Regatta which made for some very technical sailing. However, this was coupled with some lovely sunshine which brought the crowds out to watch the action on the greasy pole and also the children's crabbing and cork-bobbing competitions.
The rest of the week mainly saw good winds apart from Tuesday when the dying wind and spring tides meant that many competitors had to be towed home and the Fast Cruiser race was declared void because no one completed the course within the time limit. And lets not forget the customary thunder storm with torrential rain that rounded off the racing on Monday.
Racing finished on Friday with the winning helms from each of the eleven classes competing for the much-coveted Cock of the Club trophy. This race was sailed in Toppers and was won by young Optimist class winner Nick Evans with Laser class winner Matty Evans second. They easily fought off the challenge provided by many of the club's top adult sailors.
During the week 110 boats competed in the eleven different classes.
As well as the sailing there were social activities each evening ranging from a treasure hunt and quiz night to themed musical evenings. A perfect week with something for everyone.
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