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RS200 National Championship at the RS Games - Overall

by Rob Henderson 27 Aug 2018 07:16 BST 20-24 August 2018

Congratulations to Maria Stanley and Rob Henderson, RS200 National Champions 2018!

Friday dawned a little darker, a little colder and a lot windier than the conditions the 116 boat fleet had got themselves used to. Nonetheless, smiles were borne and the fleet gamely launched an hour earlier than usual (another sound decision from team Saxton based on a deteriorating forecast).

Scores were tight throughout the fleet so there was to be no let up, least of all for the Championship where Edd Whitehead and Emma Clarke were waiting to pounce, just 1 point off Maria Stanley and Rob Henderson. The gauntlet was thrown in Race 1 with an impressive bullet, but a 2nd from Maria and Rob kept them at bay... for the moment…

Amongst the beaming smiles, burning legs and visible centreboards, Josh Flack and Paris Thomas carried their strong wind form from Thursday afternoon over to finish 3rd followed by Oliver Groves and Esther Parkhurst, showing remarkable skill later in the week.

The stage was set for the grand finale. With the points tight, in fact tied, Maria and Rob’s safest option was to try and put a big score on Edd and Emma to utilise a better existing discard. This was not to prove straightforward as the talent on board 1626 kept putting them back into strong positions. At the end of the race, a mercurial final downwind leg from Edd and Emma kept spectators on tenterhooks, however it was not quite enough. Maria and Rob crossed the line later on and the photos say the rest.

Oliver and Esther showed the fleet a clean pair of heels to take the final bullet, a fine end to their regatta. Tom Ballantine and Maddy Anderson brought their form from the circuit to the fore to grab a 2nd while Josh Dawson and Aaron Chadwick ensured their banishment from the Silver fleet with a 3rd.

From Pete Vincent, Chairman of the RS Class Association

So to end it all consider some remarkable facts. Maria became not only the first Lady helm to win the RS200 Nationals but the first Lady Helm to win any UK RS Nationals in any of the adult classes in the 25 year history of RS.

In the UK the weather never wants to play ball with a week long Nationals. PRO for the RS200 Nationals Pete Saxton and his team, with great planning, skill and pragmatic common sense achieved the remarkable with all races completed on the day they were programmed. Pete Saxton was also PRO for the whole RS Games, a 3 week long joyous celebration of what makes sailing in the UK so unique and brilliant. Only a combination of the RS Class Association’s, RS sailing and the team at WPNSA would have dared tried to run such an event let alone pull it off in such style.

Huge thanks to all of them, the hundreds of volunteers and to our valued sponsors – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Prize Winners:
Furthest Traveller- Gilles Peters/Heloize Baize Societe Nautique Lamor Plage
Endeavour Prize - last finisher of all races - Martin & Rupert Clapham Thornbury SC
Endeavour prize - most improved - James Hammett & Markus Rodgers HISC
Buddy Prize - France - Tom Ballatine/Maddie Anderson, Harry & Faye Chatterton, Ellen Morley/Dylan Collingbourne (3rd Barbados, 2nd Hungary)
Top Uni - Cambridge UCRC (3rd Southampton, 2nd Exeter). 33 entries from 11 Unis
Top Club - Itchenor - Maria/Rob, Arthur/Sophie, Jack/Amelia (2nd Parkstone)
1st Family - Tom & Charlie Darling HISC
Youngest male helm - James Hall, 16 HISC
Youngest male crew - Barney Thomas, 10 Chew Valley
Youngest female helm - Gemma Francis Burnett, 15 Beaver SC
Youngest female crew - Katie Bailey, 8 HISC
1st junior helm (u18) - Jamie Harris Bristol Corinthian YC
1st junior crew (u18) - Sophie Dawson Corinthian Otters
1st junior boat - Jamie & Bettine Harris Bristol Corinthian YC
1st youth helm (22&u) - Tom Darling HISC/Southampton University
1st Youth crew (22&u) - Sophie Heritage Itchenor SC/Southampton University
1st youth team - Tom & Charlie Darling HISC/Southampton University
1st all ladies team - Hattie Collingridge/Katie Spark Waldringfield SC
Loving Cup - Andrew Brown/Alex Sutcliffe Tynemouth/Budworth SC
Master''s Tankard - Tom Hewitson HISC
1st Lady helm - Maria Stanley Itchenor SC
Bronze 3rd helm & crew - Christopher & Andy Cowan (prize taken already) Stokes Bay
Bronze 2nd helm & crew - Hattie Collingridge/Katie Spark Waldringfield SC
Bronze 1st helm & crew -Brendan Lynch/Matthew Morson Port Edgar YC
Silver 3rd helm & crew - Matt Shorrock/Jo Kalderon Frensham Pond/Itchenor
Silver 2nd helm & crew - James Hammett/Markus Rogers HISC
Silver 1st helm & crew - Oliver Aldridge/Phoebe Connellan Wessex SC

Overall Results:

PosFleetSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
1Gold1642Maria StanleyRob HendersonItchenor SC22716-16912-4930
2Gold1626Edd WhiteheadEmma HiveyParkstone YC/ASA1319-2327341-2340
3Gold629Arthur HendersonSophie HeritageItchenor SC4426-354-191561758
4Gold91Jack HoldenAmelia HewitsonHSC/Itchenor3-26-178103106151065
5Gold1682Andrew BrownAlex SutcliffeTynemouth/Budworth SC6191211136-1711-2169
6Gold1447Stephen VideloMaddie HarrisWaldringfield SC951013-4118175-191592
7Gold154Dan VickersGeorgie VickersParkstone YC7-22-6215221711851297
8Gold1391Tom DarlingCharlie DarlingHISC10912-4025-35491718104
9Gold1331Tom BallantineMaddy AndersonSalcombe YC/Brightlingsea SC1773-4415-563618102108
10Gold1562Sam WhaleySophie DawsonParkstone YC/Corinthian Otters(DNF)146272111821-7016124
11Gold1436Josh FlackParis ThomasParkstone YC158-44740381323-53126
12Gold1552Owain HughesPoppy HusbandParkstone YC14-57-66255915202414126
13Gold (tbc)1621Morgan PeachKatie DaviesRoyal Torbay YC2918231072114-37-5211133
14Gold1570Robbie KingJamie Webbtbc131155-5612441232(DNC)134
15Gold1634Cam StewartTom HarrisonHISC(DSQ)20428-78361281213142
16Gold1633Tom HewitsonLucy HewitsonHISC18102855-58121421-57149
17Gold1659David JessopSophie MearGrafham Water SC-42218226303331-467158
18Gold1631Martin PentySam WallerBeaver SC523303-4223-38302620160
19Gold1568Rhos HawesIzi DaviesItchenor SC-33241419161018-413128160
20Gold1348Elliott WellsBen ToddHISC111922-39-50832241827161
21Gold1675Arran HolmanKirstie UrwinHollowell5212(DSQ)21-633916778162
22Gold1337Scott WallisEmma BakerLymington Town SC1917-472045272311-476168
23Gold1637Oliver GrovesEsther ParkhurstBeaver SC5354-68(OCS)4965341175
24Gold1362Greg HallHonor FellItchenor SC813294943-4726-6143175
25Gold1667Oliver TurnerSam MottersheadStarcross YC-55-4933161242252236177
26Gold452Crispin BeaumontFreya DarntonWessex SC-4461(OCS)231427364431182
27Gold1662Steve WilsonBecky WilsonRS Sailing47294329-53-521210919198
28Silver920Oliver AldridgePhoebe ConnellanWessex SC-834511-7824313133205200
29Silver (tbc)880James HammettMarkus RogersHISC49-79-713731537132525222
30Gold (tbc)1314Nick DevereuxSarah JarmanBudworth SC/UPSPC363715113641-72-62389223
31Silver (tbc)1440Matt ShorrockJo KalderonFrensham Pond SC/Itchenor1642-77-6438194929294226
32Silver1365Jamie HarrisBettine HarrisBristol Corinthain YC-772740361220-51343037236
33Silver (tbc)1673Harry ChattertonFaye ChattertonWaldringfield SC7250182642434(DSQ)14-83242
34Gold (tbc)1504Gilles PeetersHeloize BaizeSociete Nautique Larmor Plage-6516253843-4421322744246
35Gold626Will TaylorMadeleine WatkinsBrighlingsea SC27252656-62-5920162859257
36Silver1458Gus DixonAlice MastermanRoyal Harwich YC-7134364633-4928462326272
37Gold1445Pete VincentVictoria UptonBristol Corinthain YC2032-643532561-823463273
38Silver (tbc)1370Josh DawsonAaron ChadwickPwllheli SC34383941-74-574127503273
39Gold1175Matt ReidAmy SparksSpinnaker SC261557(OCS)2775719(DNF)50276
40Silver1345Ellen MorleyDylan CollingborneBurnham SC3735-723217-694552854280
41Silver985Chay TaylorNiamh DaviesBurnham SC6328599302239-66-7130280
42Silver (tbc)162Daniel BuddenEllie WaltonWeston SC-89-642117462922436339280
43Gold1179Archie PennRob GiardelliWaldringfield SC21361324614259-6835-62291
44Silver1546John McKelvieCharlotte CotterStrangford Lough YC54-6148(DSQ)84840234132294
45Gold1652Stewart BowenJack BowenParkstone YC3830372252542442(DNC)(DNC)299
46Gold1604Dan VenablesSam CraferSutton Coldfield SC453927-61282830-555455306
47Silver1136Niki BirrellKate AllamParkstone YC-8251-8649593443351333317
48Silver1118Robert RichardsonFaye CaswellRoyal Windermere YC/Yorkshire Dales SC5753-69-63181552563729317
49Silver1638Tom CollyerDaisy CollingridgeAldenham/Waldringfield SC30-77654319334850-7935323
50Silver1680Rory OdellJosh BonseyNorthampton SC/HISC50-524142-645129494224328
51Silver1046Joseph BradleyBenjamin BradleyHill Head SC324655-733737-66225745331
52Silver1617Andy HadfieldLucy TylerParkstone YC2341(DNF)1839(DSQ)83541669343
53Gold1178Julian BradleyHelen CafferataWembley SC4648203344-68684848(DNC)355
54Silver (tbc)1340Ed HarrisErin MarksWaldringfield SC3963313413-6654-946558357
55Silver964Chris ThomasLewis BowenNorthampton SC43-67673120-8853634338358
56Gold (tbc)224Joe BurnsMilly PughSpinnaker SC4047541466326938(DNC)(DNC)360
57Gold1536Ben Hutton-PenmanNathan ClarkCorinthian Otters22441650-101-8273645151371
58Gold1383Tom GoodyImogen CagewhiteBroadstairs SC12(DSQ)45307060-88405873388
59Bronze806Brendan LynchMatthew MorsonPort Edgar YC62-87527747-10025513646396
60Silver (tbc)1511Matt FowlerLynne RatcliffePevensay Bay SC35437348-76-7856584542400
61Silver1654Mike WarwickerKate FitzsimmonsBough Beech SC24745151654557-7740-84407
62Bronze1663Hattie CollingridgeKatie SparkWaldringfield SC-78582459684760-716834418
63Silver944Mark ThomasCatherine HuntUllswater SC31595347-80656265-6741423
64Bronze (tbc)666Christopher CowanAndy CowanStokes Bay SC-85-836160326167453964429
65Bronze (tbc)573Matt TaylorHannah PalmerBrightlingsea SC7371-82586926-84694922437
66Silver1096Richie BaileyKatie BaileyRNSA/HISC4131387648795870(DNF)(DNC)441
67Bronze (tbc)1376Bella FellowsSamuel JamesParkstone YC-8873356782635539(DNF)40454
68Bronze1670Alice SeniorHarry OdlingPlymouth SC705576(OCS)8446264753(DNC)457
69Bronze (tbc)1309James HallZoe NieveenHISC/Papercourt566934742970(DSQ)73-7756461
70Bronze1413Tom FenemoreOrla MitchellRoyal Lymington YC6462(DSQ)6834-8435606481468
71Bronze (tbc)1510Jemima LawsonRachel Tilleytbc-9475-9253735050616248472
72Silver1605Kevin DruceNatalie MessinghamBurghfield SC516084711474(OCS)-875966479
73Silver1354Megan BrickwoodEllie AldridgeWeymouth SC48-784662725370(DNC)7652479
74Silver1247Lainey TerkelsenLucie OffordAlton Water SC25(DNF)56525762-93917470487
75Bronze1573Henrik AsplundGeorgina KingGuernsey YC60337845-91(RET)65576985492
76Bronze1200Ollie HawkinsImogen BellfieldLooe SC/Itchenor SC668050-848358465356-91492
77Bronze1299Kelvin MatthewsKirsty MatthewsHISC685674-855467-77676674526
78Bronze (tbc)910Will WardEsme ShepherdOgston SC/Restronguet SC79-91425771558074-8978536
79Silver1262Josh AdamsCat WallaceOxford SC2840(DSQ)54754075(DNF)DNFDNC544
80Bronze1390Syd McLeanTom McLeanHISC9182(DSQ)7567-9779593360546
81Bronze1025Alex BeaneyHannah LiptrotWembley SC6165638288-89-105757347554
82Bronze1358Charlie WhitakerHattie AskewBudworth SC84684965-9671-92907267566
83Bronze1071Gemma Francis-BurnettTim WallerBeaver SC67866080-9464637975-89574
84Silver846Rebecca StephensNiamh O' NeillPenzance SC58-9232797785818883(DNS)583
85Bronze540Harry ForbesEmily MitchellChew Valley Lake SC7570586679777485-90(DNS)584
86Bronze1057Megan ThornleyHazel NewportUllswater-90897990518178-927890636
87Bronze1585Tony WilkinsonKelly AaronParkstone YC92668789859464-105(DSQ)61638
88Bronze1248Jamie DiamondEllie MeophamRoyal Southern YC(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNC867686445565644
89Bronze430Michael CalvertSophie HarrisSalcombe YC-10996(RET)70878076938079661
90Bronze1545Cedric FrabouletPauline LenesleyCarnac102(DNF)818711073(DSQ)806072665
91Bronze1152Joanna TribeMarcus CollingbourneBurnham SC69818381939082-100(DNF)88667
92Bronze1406Simon ThomasBarney ThomasChew Valley Lake SC5985(DNC)(DNC)60727196DNCDNC675
93Bronze533James CunnisonGreg SaleItchenor SC9676898395-102-107769268675
94Bronze1242Will BirchallGen AndersonParkstone YC/QMSC808485918193-98-998577676
95Bronze1674Stuart TottenJill TottenParkstone YC8610175(DSQ)559295(DNF)8887679
96Bronze1415David SaundersDominic HallHISC/Stokes Bay SC9798(DNS)69-1058389728793688
97Bronze267Chris SproatGeorgina BurkeBrading Haven YC7688-105729091978694(DNF)694
98Bronze1515Kathryn Hutton-PenmanMatthew PikeRoyal Corinthian YC939395(RET)-988687838275694
99Bronze922Isabel AbbattEmily InghamUllswater SC-99909486-1049694789392723
100Bronze1076Ethan DawsonJames AbbattUllswater SC/Bassenthwaite81-102939992-101100958680726
101Bronze1381Jon JenkinsJan PrzybylskiCastle Cove SC-10710497101-1078799819171731
102Bronze (tbc)895Alex StartHenry StartRSTGYC8795989410298(DSQ)-1038176731
103Bronze593Martin ClaphamRupert ClaphamThornbury SC9897-999397-10496848482731
104Bronze361Grant BoorerJonathan CarrStarcross YC10310010295891078589(DNC)(DNC)770
105Bronze (tbc)1125Ant LawTammy FisherRoyal Corinthian YC1009910396-11110610498(DNF)86792
106Bronze1280David ViallsEmily ViallsLittleton SC10694709710899108(DNS)(DNC)DNC798
107Bronze669Kieran Holmes-MartinJames HatcherN/A10410810088(DNS)(DNC)919795DNC799
108Bronze1167Miles OdellSandra OdellNorthampton SC/HISC747288(RET)(DNC)DNC103DNCDNCDNC801
109Bronze285Thomas KosteletosKrystal LawLancing SC10510391100100103106102(DNS)(DNC)810
110Bronze1079Benjamin PalmerKatharine Venable CashmanBaltic Wharf SC101106961021069590(DNF)(DNC)DNC812
111Bronze1484Steve MitchelltbcHome Point SC95109809299(DNF)(DNC)DNCDNCDNC823
112Bronze1113Sophie DorringtonGrahame DorringtonWeir Wood SC1081059098109108102104(DNC)(DNC)824
113Bronze522Tim StickleyRebecca HartLymington Town SC110107101103103105101101(DNC)(DNC)831
114Bronze1122Monica WolffSteven PurdueCastle Cove SC(DNC)(DNC)104104112DNSDNCDNCDNCDNC900
115Bronze289Henry MorleyDavid Robertsontbc(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC928

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