49er, 49erFX & Nacra 17 Junior World Championships at Marseille - Day 2
by Class Associations 29 Aug 2018 21:15 BST
28 August - 1 September 2018
Sponsored by Magic Marine
Once again the wind behaved like a spoiled child so the 49erFX and the Nacra17 couldn't compete. Nevertheless, the race committee decided the 49ers would manage to try to race and so they set sail at about 3pm.
And as they said, even though it was only 10 knots, and hardly building up, the 49er's green fleet manage to do a race. Bart Lambriex with Scipio Houtman (NED) were second overall and leading Green fleet and scored a sixth in the lone race. From their side of the draw they're leading heading into the second half of qualifying, but there is still a lot of racing left to go.
Meanwhile, the yellow fleet race committee did their best to match the Green fleet. Two races were started but both had to be abandoned into the 2nd lap. There just wasn't enough wind despite the long wait and the RC's attempts.
The fleets will stay the same for the final day of qualifying, with Yellow fleet scheduled for four races, green fleet three, to allow both fleets a total of six races before the split.
The day began promising, with clear skies, but a layer of moisture built up from rains a long way to the South, making the prospect fo sea breeze doubtful. The atmosphere was quiet, some would have coffee, others would rig their boats. A peaceful warm-up for the athletes, but no wind at all... here in Marseille they call it "pétole" which means neither wind, nor waves...
It was quiet, too quiet, dead calm: the teams were expecting, they were playing cards, listening to music, chit chatting... trying to kill time...windless days always feel endless...
Unfortunately, the wind has been too weak for all the series to compete, the 49erFX and Nacra17 never even went to sea today.
The thoughts of Philippe Faure, race committee: "Today, the conditions have been very difficult...on the one hand for the competitors who have had to wait for several hours and on the other hand for us organizers. We had a hard time because of this shifting and unstable wind; we had to cancel a start procedure that was already in progress because the wind had completely shifted... luckily, there has been a race, but not for the yellow fleet even though many start procedures have been initiated... Now that the day is over, I can say it has been a complicated day."
49er.org/event/2018-junior-world-championship / nacra17.org/events/2018-junior-world-championship